Rail Minister Out of Sight
The Wenzhou train accident has triggered
continuous anger among Chinese people.
Only eight hours after the accident, authorities ordered
to stop rescue and destroy evidence, burying the wreckage.
Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang, a Railways minister,
issued the order. Since July 24, Zhang is out of sight.
In addition, as a confidant of former President Jiang Zemin,
Zhang Dejiang is also involved in a major corruption case.
Xinhua reported that Zhang Dejiang arrived at Wenzhou
on July 24 to direct rescue and investigation after the crash.
One of his orders was to "clean up the site
as soon as possible to resume traffic."
News came from China』s Twitter that Zhang
gave the order as to stop the rescue operations.
Ministry of Railways』 official said, after the establishing the
rescue headquarters, only Zhang could issue such an order.
Wu Fan (Chief Editor of China Affairs): “Chinese authorities
stopped rescue within 8 hours after the accident,
far less than 72 hours - the standard golden rescue time.
Now we know that it was the Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang
who issued the order to clean up the site and resume traffic.”
13 hours after Jiang issued the order to stop rescue,
a little girl Yiyi was found and rescued.
A three-year-old boy was found dead without injury.
He died of suffocation after waiting for 20 hours for rescue.
On July 28, Premier Wen Jiabao visited the victims』 families,
without Zhang accompanying him.
In a press conference, Wen distanced himself and Hu Jintao
from the responsibility, criticizing the Ministry of Railways.
Wen Jiabao: “After the accident, President Hu Jintao
immediately instructed that we should first rescue people.
I immediately made a phone call to the Minister of Railways.
He can testify that I only said two words: 『Save lives.』
The Railways Ministry should give the people a true answer
whether they carried out this instruction or not.”
Wen's statement clearly disagrees with Zhang』s comments,
who said, "The previous rescue was timely and effective."
Zhang has been missing for days after that,
triggering speculations from the public.
Wu Fan: “I feel that this is closely linked to the factions』
struggles within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The Railways Ministry was always controlled by Jiang Zemin.
And they directly follow the orders of Zhang Dejiang."
CCP』s Central Propaganda Department also caused
public indignation regarding the Wenzhou train tragedy.
At the accident』s first-week memorial, it forced hundreds
of newspapers to cancel their reports on the accident.
Li Changchun, head of Central Propaganda Department,
is also from Jiang Zemin』s faction.
Zhang Dejiang, 65, used to be a Red Guard during
the Cultural Revolution, re-educated in the countryside.
In 1978, he studied in North Korea』s Kim Il-sung University.
He was CCP』s secretary of Jilin, Zhejiang and Guangdong.
Zhang is famous for being
“extremely leftist and following well the political trend.”
He publicly opposed private entrepreneurs joining the CCP,
but after Jiang Zemin』s speech for accepting entrepreneurs,
he made a 180-degree move, even eulogizing that
“Jiang had established another theoretical monument."
Zhang has conspired with Jiang Zemin for his advancement
to boost Shanghai faction and stop reforms in Guangdong.
Jiang appointed the “Northeast Gang" officials
Li Changchun and Zhang Dejiang to Guangdong province.
During the SARS epidemic in 2002, Zhang Dejiang,
then Party Secretary of Guangdong province,
strictly covered up the news, causing the disease』s
spread to Hong Kong and many other countries.
In 2003, college student, Sun Zhigang, was persecuted
to death in a labor camp.
Since Southern Metropolis Daily reported it, Zhang ordered
to arrest the chief and deputy editors and to imprison them.
When Zhang was in power in Guangdong, villagers in Daishi
appealed against the village official but suffered repression.
Also, armed police in Dongzhou opened fire and killed
appealing villagers, rising a campaign 』driving Zhang away.』
In 2005, Zhang led a delegation to Australia.
There he was prosecuted by Falun Dafa practitioners
for torture in the High Court of Australia』s New South Wales.
In 2009, the Shenzhen Airlines acquisition case
involving billions of yuan was exposed.
Shenzhen Airlines』 behind-the-scene boss Li Zeyuan
was detained. He had been backed by Zhang Dejiang.
Also, Song Zuyu, younger sister of Jiang Zemin』s mistress
Song Zuying, was a board member of Shenzhen Airlines.
Analysts pointed out that as Zhang ordered to
stop the rescue operations of Wenzhou train accident
and was involved in a major corruption case,
his hope of a promotion is dashed.
Also, he is almost doomed to be sacked.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Wu Huizhen

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