CCP's Tactics towards Dissidents
Recently, some dissidents and rights activists arrested by the
Chinese authorities (CCP) for “Jasmine Revolution”
have been gradually released.
On Aug. 9, the world-concerned dissident writer Ran Yunfei
was also released after a 6-month of detention.
The dissident poet Bei Dao, who was in exile abroad
for over 20 years, was recently invited back in high profile.
He attended an officially sanctioned poem festival on Aug. 8.
Analysts say that the CCP intends to use intellectuals to
avert the public criticism of it.
The renowned dissident poet Bei Dao attended the opening
ceremony of the 3rd Lake Qinghai International Poem Festival.
When covering the opening ceremony,
the CCP's mouthpiece, People.com, carried Bei Dao』s name,
a photo of his speech and a group photo of him with the
Chair of the Chinese Writers' Association and several officials.
The CCP's official Xinhua News Agency also published
a long exclusive interview with Bei Dao.
Wu Fan, current issues commentator, believes that
the CCP intends to change the public view
by using the intellectuals
and wishes to continue its doomed life.
Wu Fan: “It is only a camouflage to show that
the CCP has become lenient on dissidents.
It is a tactic to win them over and to suborn dissidents and
change people's views on the CCP.
However, I do not think it will be effective.”
Bei Dao was exiled for supporting the Tiananmen movement.
His famous quote “Dirty means is a pass of the dirty dog,
while nobility is the epitaph for the noble” is famous in China.
In the past 20 years, Bei Dao attempted in vain to go back,
due to the blockage of the authorities.
It is shocking to some overseas dissidents that
Bei Dao was officially invited back to China.
Bei Ling, a poet-in-exile in Taiwan, suspects that
the CCP authorities are trying to alienate and
disintegrate overseas dissidents this way.
After going through a zigzag legal path, the case of
independent writer Ran Yunfei was rejected by the court.
He is now home, but still under surveillance.
His former lawyer Ran Tong said that
this was a sign of ease for his case.
Ran Tong: “Surveillance is a relatively mild restriction of
rights in the process of investigation.
The requirements are having no contacts or no meetings with
anybody, and reporting to the local police department
in the case of any major events.”
Ran Yunfei used to publish many online political articles.
On Feb. 20, he was taken away by Sichuan police
for “spreading Jasmine Revolution information.”
In March 2011, the CCP authorities officially arrested Ran
for “suspected inciting subversion of state power.”
The dissidents and rights activists arrested by the CCP regime
in Feb. and Mar. 2011 have been gradually released.
They included Beijing rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong,
Teng Biao, Tang Jitian, Shanghai lawyer Li Tiantian and
Guangzhou lawyer Tang Jingling.
However, their freedom of speech and mobility is still restricted.
Online journalist Zhou Shuguang believes that it is
the authorities' tactic to release the detained dissidents
and then subject them to surveillance.
Several of his friends are also under surveillance.
One of the conditions the CCP authorities imposed
is not to accept any interviews.
Zhou Shuguang: “As far as I know, most dissidents,
including Ai Weiwei, who were arrested and then released
in the first half of 2011, are subjected to surveillance.
Ran Yunfei is no exception.
I believe this is an official policy towards the activists.”
Jiang Weiping, former reporter of Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po
in China and former employee of Xinhua News Agency,
wrote that Bei Dao』s return to China and Ran Yunfei』s release
indicated a change in the high-pressure political atmosphere.
He said: “Bei Dao will not speak out for the time being
due to its high-profile treatment by the authorities;
Ran Yunfei will not be sent to jail
until the one-year term for him to remain silent expires;
Ai Weiwei will possibly be given some freedom
within the demarcation.
All in all, China is not a country of democracy and rule of law.
So, in the transition, China will be disordered and changeable.”
NTD reporters Liu Hui and Xiao Yu

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