Does Hu Believe in Communism?
Renowned Chinese economist, Mao Yushi, said on a recent
seminar in Beijing, that not many believe in communism now.
He said Chinese Communist Party (CCP) president Hu Jintao
might not believe in communism either, but won』t admit it.
Mao Yushi said that communism, which violates humans』
basic morals, is being cast aside,
while universal values, such as human rights, democracy,
rule of law and freedom are rising current trends.
Beijing-based Unirule Institute of Economics held a seminar
on "Local Governance and State Transformation" on July 30.
It was hosted by Mao Yushi, chair of Unirule Institute.
Mao Yushi gave a speech on "countries』 transformation
as seen from current trends in the world."
In his speech, Mao Yushi pointed out that after the seven
or eight decades of experimenting with communism failed,
and public ownership and planned economy didn』t work,
most countries abandoned communism.
On August 14, in an interview with NTD he said
that Marx proposed communism,
Lenin implemented it in the Russian October Revolution,
and later more than a dozen socialist states were founded,
including the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.
About more than a billion people were involved.
The communist camp slaughtered, starved and persecuted
hundreds of millions people to death.
After the Soviet Union and Eastern Communist Bloc fell in
1991, CCP has relied on market economy to maintain its rule.
However, in China』s Constitution, the CCP still claims
China to be a socialist country.
Mao Yushi: “It is possible now that no country in the world
still adheres to communism.
China is nominally Marxist-Leninist but has taken a capitalist
path. Those “safeguarding” communism aren』t communists.
In fact, they just want to maintain their dictatorships,
such as North Korea and Cuba.
Cuba has also adjusted to pursue a capitalist path,
because they cannot continue the communism anymore."
Mao Yushi said, although CCP is still “communist,” its
Secretary General Hu Jintao may not believe in communism.
He might believe in the system of modern society, as human
rights and rule of law have been added to the Constitution.
These terms were not there originally, and are not communist.
Mao Yushi: “Which country can still pursue communism
and succeed? Not one! It』s not that communism wasn』t tried.
It was tried, at a very large price. However, Hu』s regime has
inherited the communist system.
In fact, he not necessarily believes in it. Not just Hu Jintao,
I think Jiang Zemin doesn』t believe in it, either."
CCP ex-leader Jiang Zemin added "Three Represents" to the
Constitution, enabling capitalists to become CCP members.
WikiLeaks has disclosed that the CCP』s Central Committee
Politburo is actually a powerful elite interest group.
It has divided China's economic cake and its
decision-making is driven by the interests of the privileged.
Prof. Zhang Tianliang from George Mason University:
"Hu certainly does not believe in communism.
If he did CCP wouldn』t be capitalist. He should re-distribute
and return the money taken by CCP from the working class.
If he believed in communism he would give back the money
taken by Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan and himself to the people.”
Beijing Spring magazine editor-in-chief Hu Ping describes
the CCP as saying one thing but doing another.
The CCP claims to be socialist, but in fact pursues capitalism
in order to deceive the people and to enable the rich
and powerful elite interest groups to seize people's property.
Mao Yushi: "Sooner or later, they』ll have to give up
communism. This CCP relies on lies to maintain its rule.
Once you tell the truth, they have to give up communism."
Mao Yushi believes that human rights, democracy,
rule of law and freedom are universal values,
and the most basic universal value is mankind』s morals.
He pointed out that after the CCP founded its regime,
it did a lot of things that are contrary to basic morality,
including the Cultural Revolution. It has no tolerance,
no compassion and persecutes people.
All systems that violate basic morals
will have to be cast away.
Mao Yushi: "In fact, from the perspective of human history』s
long-term development, the human history』s overall direction
is in accordance with the universal values, of human rights,
equality and freedom.
Anything in conflict with the universal values has to adjust.
The future world must be under a system
that respects human rights, and that is equal, free
and democratic, and has the rule of law.”
On the Epoch Times website, over 100 million people have
publicly denounced CCP and its affiliated organizations.
More and more Chinese people are abandoning the CCP
and rejecting communism.

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