陳凱: “政府利用這些金牌,像打麻醉針一樣,像打嗎啡針一樣,打麻醉劑一樣打到普通民眾的頭腦裡去:你看我們這個政府存在是有道理的,我們這個政府是合法的。”
Athletes’ ID Frauds
The 26th Summer Universiade’s grand opening ceremony
is no more the focus of public attention.
Netizens appealed for an end to forcing professional athletes
to join the Universiade with Chinese college students IDs.
On August 12, the 26th Summer Universiade
was opened in Shenzhen Bay Sports Center.
Hu Jintao, President and Secretary General of the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) attended the opening ceremony.
The luxury opening ceremony again let the world witness
the CCP’s “consuming power.”
But citizens are no longer interested. Instead,
they now pay attention to Chinese athletes' identities.
Zhang Shangwu was a gym champion of 2001 Universiade.
He drew wide attention with his recent street performances
and the selling of two Universiade gold medals.
Zhang said that he joined the 2001 Universiade
when he was in second grade of Junior Middle School
as a staff member of China's National Team.
In order to qualify, leaders of the authorities arranged
for him an ID as a freshman of Beijing Sports University.
Chen Kai, a basketball player of the 1970's National Team,
confirmed that he went to USA to compete in 1978.
When he played for Team Ba-Yi, his identity was
as Sports Academy teacher, instead of a “serviceman.”
He said, in China's authoritarian society, athletes' identity
frauds created by authorities, are commonplace.
Chen Kai: “Because all sports are politicized in China,
the achievements do not belong to the individual.
The athletes are the CCP authorities' tools, and their
identities can be changed at will by the CCP government.”
For years, the Universiade China Team players have been
labeled “professional athletes,” instead of college students.
For instance, China's star athlete, Liu Xiang, was the
110m hurdles champion in the 2001 Beijing Universiade.
His identity was of a student at East China Normal University,
but he never attended the university.
Famous lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, called on his micro-blog
for a strict inspection of the Universiade athletes' identities.
He wrote: “We no longer need fabricated identities
of students to bring honor to China.”
However, in China, a common phenomenon is that
if China's National Team wins gold medals,
it inspires pride in Chinese people, and provokes praises
from media, creating heroes out of “professional” athletes.
Chen Kai said that this is a means for the CCP
to sustain legitimacy of its authoritarian regime.
This legitimacy is not a result of election, but of gold medals.
Chen Kai: “The government uses these gold medals
as an anesthetic for ordinary people's minds.
It inserts notions like, 』Look how reasonable
our current government is. It is naturally legitimate.』”
The CCP's fabrication is not limited only to sports.
It has spread throughout all aspects of the Chinese society.
Chen Kai said that such a so-called “economic success”
created by fabrication, is a shame for every Chinese.
Chen Kai: “By insulting people and committing frauds,
gold medals were gained to create economic success.
This should bring shame to every Chinese,
yet it strangely brings out pride instead.
The CCP's officials know that such a society won't last long,
so they send their children overseas.
They won't let their kids remain in China,
nor their money. Why?
They know that such an evil society won't last long.”
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Song Feng and Xiao Yu

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