【新唐人2011年8月19日訊】繼郭美美之後,擔任“中非希望工程” 執行主席的盧星宇,這兩天成為網絡紅人,風頭蓋過郭美美,被媒體稱為“郭美美二代”。對於將捐建1000所希望小學給非洲貧困學童的“中非希望工程”項目,引起了國人的關注和質疑。請看報導。
Another Chinese Charity Questioned
After the Guo Meimei incident, the current director of
“China-Africa Hope Project” Lu Xingyu has become
another internet celebrity over the last few days.
The project, which aimed to build 1000 elementary schools
in Africa attracted attention and doubts from the general public.
According to sources, “China-Africa Hope Project”
costs 2 billion yuan and plans to build 1000
elementary schools in Africa, over the next 10 years.
The person in charge of this project is the 24-year-old
Lu Xingyu, nicknamed “Lu Meimei.”
Due to her position as the director of the project,”
Lu has come under controversy.
The 1.5 billion yuan project, like the “Red Cross,”
can take 10% of all donations as its administration fees.
Former U.S. non-profit agency staff Bo Dongwei expressed,
the 10% operational cost doesn』t seem high on the surface,
but the key is how is this money been used?
Bo Dongwei: “It (China-Africa Hope Project) has
very poor transparency.
It includes all types of costs into the project cost,
excluding the operating expenses.
You can』t really tell how the project is operating.
The key is that it is not transparent.”
China-Africa Hope Project was founded by the
“China Youth Development Foundation" and
"World Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneurs Association.”
Lu Xingyu』s father Lu Junqing is actually the president of
the "World Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneurs Association.”
According to sources, Lu Junqing is a famous
billionaire from Sichuan.
Dahe.net published an article saying that the official website
of the China-Africa Hope Project does not disclose
revenue and expenditure information,
which might be “a reason for misunderstanding by the public.”
Bo pointed out that “Hope Project” is a strategy of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
When the CCP obtained oil from Sudan,
others had lots of complaints,
so the CCP opened schools and charities
to alleviate public criticism.
But, ironically, compared to the “China-Africa Hope Project”,
many schools for migrant workers』 children are forced to
shut down or are demolished.
The Beijing Education Commission spokesman said
on August 16 that in 2011,
24 migrant children schools in Haidian, Chaoyang, Daxing
face demolition, affecting 14,000 students.
Professor Yu Jianrong of Academy of Social Sciences, I
nstitute of Rural Development micro-blogged on Aug. 17,
“the Beijing Education Commission shut down
schools for the migrant workers』 children without a plan
to guarantee education for these students.
This is a violation of the citizens』 right of equal education.
In reality, the existence of these migrant children schools
are actions of self-help, as these children are ignored
by an irresponsible government .
Online author Yi Chen of the “Kaidi Community” expressed,
leaving our own poor children in desperate situations,
but going to Africa to create the so-called “hope.”
Such actions of the CCP officials
have filled me with hatred and contempt.
In addition, Wenzhou Daily』s “Ou Wang” website editor
Cheng Xiaoxiao wrote in a commentary that
there are 50 million Chinese who are poverty stricken,
and many families cannot afford the higher education.
He wrote, the action of “rather give to friends then family” is
hard to accept from the perspective of a country or individuals.
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu

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