謝文(前雅虎中國總經理):「 就搜索這個領域來說,任何國企、央企都沒有辦法獲得有意義的市場份額,因為是互聯網高端服務,那是需要真功夫的。而國企這樣的機制,是招不到真正高端創新者和互聯網專家的。所以他們做的東西不會有市場。」
北京行銷戰略公司Wolf Group Asia首席執行長沃爾夫(David Wolf)說,「百度」成為靶子不僅僅是因為任何具體的行為。政府決定如何繼續進行,這將由政治和商業目標所決定,而政府就在其中。
China Central Television (CCTV) started to criticize Baidu
with full firepower this week.
Several days ago, CCTV report revealed false ads on Baidu.
Recently CCTV established a new feature column
to expose poor network behavior of Baidu.
Experts see political and business agendas in these actions.
An investigation program of CCTV exposed that Baidu
persuaded customers to do false advertising.
Marketing staff recommends customers to first purchase
equipment related to search services,
and then to modify it as diet product websites
to avoid the advertising review process.
CCTV financial channel established a webpage
of 『building online faith,』
claiming it was carried out with the so-called
『rectification of illegal acts of online public relations,』
primarily aiming at the exposure of bad online behavior.
The site mainly contains videos and articles about Baidu.
Wall Street Journal commented that CCTV』s
unusual critics made it a rival to Baidu.
CCTV is China's most important propaganda tool,
and Baidu is China's most popular Internet company.
Report said that although Baidu is a private sector,
it has long been regarded as the darling of the authorities,
partially due to its compliance to the censorship system.
Internet Lab founder, Wang Junxiu said, Baidu certainly
has many problems.
However, it is unusual for CCTV to criticize Baidu for
three consecutive days on a large scale.
Wang believes there is more to it than what is on the surface.
Wang: "After Google left China, now there is only Baidu.
Baidu』s attitude is very ambiguous, so now it is its turn.
Both CCTV and People.net have launched
their own search engines.
Attacking Baidu now should have higher intent in it.
It could not be as simple as faith and business fraud."
The former general manager of Yahoo China, Xie Wen
believes neither CCTV search, nor People Web search
can shake the dominance of Baidu in China.
Xie: "In the online search, no state-owned enterprises,
or central enterprises have gained a meaningful market share.
It is the high-end Internet services and needs real skills.
State-owned enterprises mechanism is unable to recruit
real high-end inventors and Internet experts.
So their products could not have a market."
The fight of Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) mouthpiece
CCTV and Internet search giant Baidu is attracting attention.
Netizens ask whom they should help.
Chinese media 『Bit network』 commentary said
that Google was chased out to Hong Kong by CCTV.
If Baidu were also sent to Macau, then netizens
will have to use the 『People search』 of Deng Yaping.
『Bit network』 commented that CCTV Financial Channel was
focused on criticizing Baidu for dozens of hours.
Such a large scale of the so-called "objective" reporting,
shows a brutal fighting of old and new forces,
marking the fatal fight of the dying traditional media.
On Monday, CCTV』s anti-Baidu reports aired at least twice,
then stock price of Baidu in NASDAQ fell nearly 4%.
At the Tuesday's closure, Baidu shares fell 5% again.
David Wolf, CEO of Wolf Group Asia in Beijing, said Baidu
became a target not only because of some specific behavior.
The government will decide how to proceed further, which
will be determined by its political and commercial goals.
NTD reporters Qin Xue and Xiao Yan

【禁聞】郭美美二代 盧美美慈善機構遭質疑

【禁聞】王勇平成「替罪羊 」自怨「三錯」

【禁聞】李克強訪港作秀 多團體示威遇阻



【禁聞】民主官員與專制官員 大不同!

【禁聞】大陸“新婚姻法” 男人笑女人哭

【禁聞】向毛澤東聲明退團 王容芬回憶文革

【禁聞】中國多家媒體挨整 媒體人也遭殃


【禁聞】賴昌星將秘密開審 賈賀習神經緊繃

【禁聞】賴昌星將秘密開審 賈賀習神經緊繃

【禁聞】拜登成都行 中共忙於消除異音

【禁言博客】貧困縣拍獻禮電影 「我是250我怕誰!」


【禁聞】中共軍方公開 攻擊法輪功網站