Mao Grouped with Stalin and Lenin
China』s Shaoshan Mao Zedong Memorial Hall recently
signed joint agreements with Russia』s Lenin Museum
and Georgia』s Stalin Museum.
Historians said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
believes totalitarian rulers still have influence on the world,
but in reality, Stalin and Lenin became criminals after
the fall of the Soviet Union.
This is undoubtedly the CCP』s way of confusing people.
A delegation from China』s Shaoshan City and Shaoshan
Mao Zedong Memorial Hall recently visited
Ulyanovsk, Russia and Gori, Georgia,
which are the hometowns of Lenin and Stalin.
They signed collaboration agreements with
the Lenin and Stalin museums.
According to Voice of America report on Aug. 14,
the agreements include: joint publication of research data,
exchanging exhibits and films with one another and so on.
Li Yuanhua (Former Associate Professor
at Beijing Normal University): “
Today, more than 100 million people have withdrawn from
the CCP and many more people are awakening,
so their (the CCP』s museums』) actions are
a deliberate wish to continue deceiving the Chinese people.
They think that Communism and totalitarian rulers still
have influence on the world.
In reality, I think this is just a foolish show.
The CCP has always relied on lies to deceive people.”
Professor Li Yuanhua believes that the Chinese people with
some basic knowledge should know that
after the Russian people abandoned the communist USSR,
Stalin and Lenin became criminals in history.
Mao is actually the founder of the CCP tyranny.
According to sources, Georgia adopted a “Freedom Charter”
in June 2011, which removes the residues of Communism
and puts Communism in the same class as Nazi fascism.
Moreover, the statue of Stalin in Gori was torn down.
Voice of America reported that Russian author Bondarev,
who specializes in the October Revolution, said,
if there weren』t so many streets named after Lenin,
Russian society would have forgotten about him by now.
People view Stalin as a man-eating devil,
who built a totalitarian regime.
Like Hitler, Stalin is a heinous criminal.
Bondarev said that he couldn』t understand how Lenin and
Stalin still hold weight in China.
He believes that the Chinese people should equate
Mao Zedong with Stalin and Lenin.
Chen Kai (Former Chinese National Basketball Player):
“Individual sacrifices for the country is a generally accepted
in China, so Mao Zedong used this (to his advantage).
With each of Mao』s political campaigns, he used 95% of
the population to persecute the other 5%.
Mao always said, oh, these 5% are bad; those 95% are good.
In the end, all Chinese were persecuted, each and every one.
Even today, Chinese people still do not understand Mao and
the regime used the masses to persecute individuals.”
Chen Kai pointed out that Mao always went by
“power comes out of the rifle barrels.”
If people don』t listen to him, he kills them.
So Chen Kai believes, if the portrait of Mao is not taken down
or doesn』t fall, all of China is still in a sick society.
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin,Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu


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