視頻中,海外的各法輪功網站為中共黑客的主要攻擊目標,包括:法輪大法在北美、法輪大法網站、明慧網站等。畫面同時顯 示,攻擊者為「中國人民解放軍電子工程學院」。
伍凡 時事評論員:所以它把法輪功的這批人,製造軟件的、以及傳播信息的當作target(目標),它在電視臺上把這些東西暴露出來,它暴露的目地大概是要警告法輪功吧,這場戰爭,它對法輪功這樣攻擊、打擊是全方位的,除了禁止你在大陸傳播、煉功,打壓法輪功以外,那麼對海外傳播信息的法輪功的網路包括電視,大紀元、新唐人、希望之聲統統封殺。」
傑森:中共從來沒有 把中華民族利益放到它的眼裡頭,這實際上也看出來了,它不惜跟美國進入一種戰爭的危機狀態,也要延伸對法輪功的迫害。」
Military Reveals Attack on Falun Dafa Websites
On its “Military Sciences & Technologies” program
aired in July 2011, CCTV revealed details of developing
a cyber-attack system targeting overseas Falun Dafa websites.
Zhang Erping, spokesman of the Falun Dafa Association said,
this is because Falun Dafa enables people to understand
the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
On July 16, 2011, the episode, “Here Comes the Cyber Storm”
on the “Military Sci & Tech” program was broadcast.
When a military expert talked about cyber attack methods,
a 7-second-long background footage suddenly appeared,
clearly showing how the CCP hackers
attack the overseas Falun Dafa websites.
On the video, different overseas Falun Dafa websites have
become the target of the CCP』s cyber attackers,
which include Falun Dafa in North America,
the Falun Dafa website, and the Minghui website.
The video also showed the attacker as the People's Liberation
Army Institute of Electronic Engineering.
On the program, the military expert said that there
are various methods for cyber attacks,
including Trojan horse, “backdoor” spyware,
logic bombs and email spamming and jamming.
Bill Xia, president of DynaWeb told the Epoch Times:
“The CCP began to attack Falun Dafa websites in
as early as 1999 or 2000.
Its attacks have become more and more rampant since,
with broadened targets.”
Dr. Jason Ma, NTD』 s political commentator said,
from an international perspective,
this is the first time that the CCP admits its research
and development for cyber attacks.
Dr. Jason Ma: “This is an official media
and you cannot say others are framing you.
You admit that you are conducting research and development
at your military college – one that is engaged in the cyberwar.”
Wang Zhiyuan, spokesperson of the World Organization to
Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong said,
this video revealed the brutality of the CCP』s persecution
of Falun Dafa practitioners over the years.
Wang Zhiyuan: “From this program, one can see that
the CCP resorts to the entire state apparatus,
including using military approaches and defense forces,
to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners.
This shows how brutal the CCP』s persecution is.”
Zhang Erping, spokesperson of Falun Dafa Association,
believes that the CCP spares no effort in persecuting
and attacking Falun Dafa practitioners,
because of the CCP』s fear.
Zhang Erping: “It fears that Falun Dafa practitioners』 truth
clarification will inform all people about the persecution.
In fact, the CCP』s cyber war has been extended abroad.
Outside China, there are over 100 countries
with Falun Dafa practitioners.
Its persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners has
in fact threatened the citizens in other countries.
Its evil attacks have created a strong negative impact
on the international society.”
Political commentator, Wu Fan, said that the CCP tries
to intimidate Falun Dafa practitioners, but to no avail.
Wu Fan: “It set up the Falun Dafa practitioners, including
software developers, and truth clarifiers, as its targets.
The purpose of revealing its cyber attack project
is probably to warn Falun Dafa practitioners.
The CCP』s war and attack on Falun Dafa is all dimensional,
including banning Falun Dafa』s propagation in China
and blocking and attacking the overseas Falun Dafa media
like the Epoch Times, NTD TV and Sound of Hope Radio.”
Not long ago, the Pentagon announced a new cyber strategy,
which will deem certain vicious cyber attacks as “acts of war”
and claim to retaliate by missiles.
Besides the U.S., many other countries are also strengthening
their capabilities for cyber attacks and defenses.
Internet threats have become
a focus of attention by the military of various countries.
Dr. Jason Ma: “The CCP has never placed the interests
of the Chinese nation on its agenda.
From this incident, it can be seen that the CCP would dare
to enter a dangerous state of war with the U.S.
by extending its persecution of
Falun Dafa practitioners abroad.”
Dr. Jason Ma believes that on the issue of persecuting
Falun Dafa practitioners, the CCP has reached a frantic state.
The CCP has prioritized its party interests and survival
above the security of the Chinese nation.
NTD reporters Li Yun, Lin Huixin and Zhou Ping

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