此外,自從拜登在北京鼓樓大街「姚記炒肝」花了 79元吃午餐後,他每天的食譜已成了傳媒、網民追蹤的焦點。
Biden』s Human Rights Words Omitted
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has just concluded
his visit to mainland China.
During a speech at Sichuan University, he said that the
biggest difference between the U.S and China is human rights.
Biden urged the Chinese regime to cherish the words of its
people and said, in absence of freedom, unrest will spread.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece media
reported only selectively on the speech.
It reported on the economic aspect, but completely ignored
the “human rights” words of Biden.
However, the U.S. White House posted the entire speech
on its official website.
Vice President Joe Biden picked the earthquake-shaken
Sichuan as the last stop of his visit to China.
On August 22, Biden came to Qingchengshang Middle School.
During the earthquake, the school collapsed completely.
In the reconstruction of the school buildings, the NBA
donated five basketball courts to the school.
On the previous day, Biden made a 45-minute speech
at the Sichuan University.
Regarding the U.S treasury credit problem, Biden expressed,
the U.S. would never default on its debts.
At the same time, Biden said that the biggest difference
between U.S. and China is human rights.
Biden urged the CCP to cherish the words of its people
and be tolerant of individual thoughts and expressions.
He said this is the life source of the U.S. political system.
Biden expressed hope that China will gain more freedom
and social progress through human rights improvements.
Biden mentioned that the U.S. does not want to interfere
with other countries,
but human rights are the driving force behind any country;
he said, “in its absence, unrest festers.”
However, on Biden』s speech, CCP mouthpiece media only
did a low-profile selective reporting.
Both the official Xinhua and Renmin websites did not
mention the part of Biden』s speech on human rights.
Other mainland media mainly reported on the economic
topics, with very little mentioned about human rights.
During Biden』s visit, human rights organizations
expressed concerns that Beijing will take control measures
against many activists and dissidents,
warning them not to meet Biden.
The Sichuan government also detained many human rights
activists and prohibited earthquake victims from petitioning.
In contrast, the White House publicly promoted the speech,
posting the full speech on the official website.
The U.S. Embassy in China translated the entire speech
into Chinese and posted it on its micro-blog,
attracting large numbers of bloggers.
A blogger commented, “U.S. Vice President promotes
U.S. democracy in China, awesome!”
Some U.S. media, including The New York Times,
also reported on Biden』s speech on human rights.
The Southern Metropolitan reported that the 200 students
who listened to the speech were “carefully selected.”
The students all had to pass level six in English
and were trained in diplomatic etiquette.
Hong Kong』s Apple Daily pointed out that these students
had to pass the government background check
and half a month of training in communist ideology, as CCP
is afraid some students might raise “sensitive questions,”
but also to prevent students from “patriotic”
anti-American actions like throwing shoes at Biden.
In addition, since Biden had a RMB79 lunch at a snack bar,
his daily menu is the center of attention for bloggers.
Apple Daily commented that mainland citizens
do not spare anything to Vice Premier Xi Jinping,
drawing a sharp contrast between the diet of U.S. diplomats
and CCP officials』 reckless spending of public money.
The comment points out that when Biden visited Beijing
and Chengdu, security staff secured the area,
but the stores were not emptied and there were
no hired actors, as in the case of Chinese officials』 visits.
NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Wang Mingyu

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