吳祚來:「1.11 如果涉及到國家秘密的部分,他應該有特別的經費,他不應該把三公消費也作為國家秘密,三公消費是三公消費,國家秘密是國家秘密,國家秘密應該有別的渠道。比如說從國防經費或者從安全部經費,應該從那裏支出。」
根據《人民網》統計,截至8月18號,在94家已經披露的中央部門當中, 「三公經費」 2010年合計65億元。而經財政部匯總的2010年中央行政單位、事業單位和其他單位“三公”支出,合計94.7億元。
CCP Refuses to Disclose Public Fund Details
It』s been more than a month since the State Department of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced a deadline
for three public funds, yet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(MFA), Overseas Chinese Affairs (OCA) and the Hong Kong
and Macao Affairs (HKMA) have yet to announce theirs.
The MFA responded to the media saying that they decided not to
announce the news this year, because information
relating to the three public funds involved “state secrets.”
National People』s Congress (NPC) representative,
Ye Qing, said the dollar amount of the three public funds
could be unbelievably massive.
In 98 CCP state departments, the MFA, OCA, and HKMA
are the only three departments that have not announced
the three public funds, which are public funds for going
abroad, receiving business contacts, and business vehicle use.
The MFA told the Chinese media on August 22 that
they will not announce details of the three public funds,
due to budget concerns involving state secrets.
Wu Zuolai from the China Art Research Institute said
the state』s confidential funds and the three public funds
are simply two irrelevant concepts.
Wu Zuolai: “Any funds relating to state secrets should be
gained from a specific source,
such as the state defense expenditure
or state security expenditure,
but the three public funds essentially have nothing to do
with state secrets.
Ye Qing, deputy director from the Hubei Bureau of Statistics,
said no departments were authorized to make their data public,
except the State Security Department.
He also said that given the fact that luxury vehicles are
extensively used to demonstrate diplomatic etiquette,
and the fact that there are so many Chinese embassies in
other countries,
the dollar value of the three public funds could be massive.
Wu Zuolai said CCP officials need to learn from U.S.
VP Biden and the U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke.
Wu Zuolai: “Hadn』t the Biden』s set an example
when they came to dine in a simple noodle restaurant?
And hadn』t Gary acted like an ordinary citizen
when he carried a bag in hand, leading his child?
These are lessons that CCP members need to learn.”
A critic from the Economic Observer Online said that
it is unreasonable for the MFA to
hide details of the three public funds,
erroneously referring to them as state secrets.
It doesn』t make sense that the MFA includes private business
travel and living expenses of their members in the three funds,
which render the essential three public funds amount
embarrassingly considerable.
Critique editor, Tong Dahuan, from China Insurance News,
said that the three public funds are so heavily funded
due to the lack of fiscal transparency and
the NPC』s inability to authorize and monitor the funds.
Tong Dahuan: “Without proper supervision,
the money can be recklessly squandered.
It can also be used for private purposes or be embezzled
under the guise of “investments,” meaning,
the funds often end up in the pocket of officials,
as in the case of the high-speed train.
It should have cost only 50 million yuan (US$7.8 million)
to build one kilometer (0.62 miles) of the rail,
but officials falsely reported that it cost 150 million yuan
(US$23.4 million), or so.
Professor Zhu Lijia from National School of Administration
said in the CCP periodical, The Study Times, that
the annual government public fund spent
900 billion yuan (US$140.67 billion) on
vehicle usage, dinner expenses, and going abroad.
The China Statistical Yearbook of 2000 shows that
the CCP officials overseas』 expenses in 1999 alone
amounted to 300 billion yuan (US$46.89 billion).
NTD reporters Qin Xue and Zhou Ping

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