在卡扎菲動用軍隊鎮壓利比亞反抗軍後,3月18號,聯合國安理會提交利比亞禁飛區決議案,儘管中國、 俄羅斯等國投了棄權票,但還是以10票贊成獲得通過。
China changes on Gaddafi
Libya still has the world's attention. On Tuesday,
Libyan rebels took over Gaddafi's lair - Archie Zia camp.
But where he is hiding is still unkown. When Gaddafi lost
his power, Chinese Communist Part (CCP) immediately
changed its attitude toward Gaddafi, the so called 『old friend.』
Libyan rebels conquered Gaddafi's stronghold,
but they did not find him.
Remnants of Gaddafi's forces occupied parts of the capital.
Rebels planned to attack on Wednesday to fully seize Tripoli.
On Agust 24th, AFP sent news report from Libya.
Syrian television broadcast a recording of Gaddafi's speech.
He said he walked alone on the street of Tripoli
without being seen by anyone.
When Gaddafi's 42-year regime is about to come to an end,
his old friend CCP immediately expressed on Monday,
that they will respect the choice of Libyan people and would
like to play an active role in rebuilding the future Libya.
Media talk about CCP's statement. VOA joked with CCP's
action, saying CCP used to oppose NATO's intervention
through its media strongly, but now openly takes the side
of the victorious rebels, due to expected economic benefits.
Not long ago CCP described the Libyan rebels as "rabbles,"
and predicting that Gaddafi was going to win soon.
The statement given by a head of Ministry of Commerce
of CCP on Tuesday was even more ridiculous.
On August 23, Vice Minister of Commerce Wen Zhongliang
said he hoped that when Libya is stable,
the new leader could continue to protect the benefits
and the rights of the Chinese investors.
He emphasized that he wants to continue cooperation
especially in the field of oil investment.
Previously some rebel leaders warned that if China
did not express clearly their attitude to support rebels,
after Gaddafi steps down, the cooperation would stop.
As Libyan rebels are winning, rebel forces, which will rule
the new Libya, start to reward countries that helped them.
VOA cited Mayouf, manager of Arabian Gulf Oil Company
(AGOCO) which is controlled by rebels.
He said it has no problems to cooperate with companies
from western countries, such as Italy, France and Britain,
but with countries like China and Russia,
things are not going so well.
After Gaddafi』 army cracked down on rebel forces on Mar. 18,
UN submitted a bill to impose a no-fly-zone in Libya.
China and Russia abstained from voting,
however the bill was still passed.
Current affair commentator Chen Po Kong made a comment
on Radio Free Asia.
He said CCP's inconsistent and contradictory actions present
them as a highly wretched figure to the international world.
Chen points out that a regime without principles, philosophy
and faith might succeed in misleading the Chinese people,
but it can never win the trust of the international community.
NTD reporters Li Jing and Zhu Di.

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