China』s 40,000 Dangerous Reservoirs
China has the most reservoirs in the world.
But now, over half of their reservoirs
are in "dangerous" condition.
Many dilapidated reservoirs are like
pots of water on people』s heads,
becoming the risk of annihilation for the local areas.
During last weekend』s meetings, the Chinese Communist
government (CCP) said that it would increase investments in
water conservation to eliminate all safety issues.
But experts point out that these reservoirs have become
troublesome time bombs, and the problem will persist.
China Economic Weekly reported that in the last 50-70 years,
The CCP finished the construction of the world』s largest
number of reservoirs as part of the "Great Leap Forward."
Most of the existing 87,000 reservoirs were built at that time.
The level of technology was quite limited then,
and there was a lack of required maintenance.
That, combined with decades of operation put
up to 40,000 (over half of) reservoirs in a dangerous state.
The report said that the majority of these 40,000 reservoirs
are scattered in upper reaches of rural areas
and in some cities and counties.
Statistics show that it covers 179 cities and 285 counties
with a ratio of 25.4% of all cities and 16.7% of all counties.
Once the dams of these dangerous reservoirs collapse,
It will cause the annihilation of downstream cities and towns.
Hydraulic expert Wang Weiluo said that
because of the authorities』 systematical corruption,
there was lack of engineering quality control
and financial supervision,
the authorities』 actions haven』t achieved any desired effect.
Wang Weiluo (Hydraulic expert): 35 years ago,
they made an investigation and concluded that
25% of reservoirs were defective.
The CCP began to invest a lot of money into the reservoirs.
However, after decades, the proportion of
faulty reservoirs became nearly 50%.
That is, the more investment made by the authorities,
the more reservoirs end up in critical conditions.
China Economic Weekly reported that it was the first time
the Ministry of Water Resources』 internal affairs were
upgraded to the highest central-level meeting of flood control.
The report said that CCP is determined to eliminate all
existing reservoir safety issues in the next five years.
Wang: In a decade, the authorities will cast
another RMB four trillion into water conservation.
Within three years, it wants to solve all the problems of
China's rivers and lakes. What a big talk!
This is nothing but propaganda.
We can see this problem has become serious.
Wang Weiluo explained that in western countries,
the reservoirs are removed after its life expectancy, and
the rivers are returned to their original state.
but for China』s reservoirs, this is not the case.
Wang Weiluo (Hydraulic expert): Why is there no way?
Because China's soil erosion problems are so serious that
all the reservoirs are filled with sand.
So when removing the dam, sediment will be
washed into the rivers and that will cause flooding.
Therefore, they cannot afford to remove reservoirs.
Instead, you have to keep spending to keep them there,
pouring a lot of money but without much functionality.
When planning these projects, the authorities never
considered these problems.
Ai Nanshan, professor of Professor of Environmental
Science & Engineering of Sichuan University, said that
these dangerous reservoirs are tough “chemical bombs."
Ai Nanshan (professor of Sichuan University):
The sludge that is filled in the reservoir is not ordinary silt;
it is contaminated.
Even if you want to scrap and demolish the reservoirs,
the sediment will be flushed down along with its pollution.
So, it can be called “chemical bombs."
These dangerous reservoirs are difficult to be dismantled.
They no longer produce any benefits but cost so much to
repair and maintain. Where does money come from?
In China, in many places, local fiscal expenditures
do not cover the related reservoirs costs.
Therefore, even if all the dangerous reservoirs are reinforced,
they are left without adequate management and protection.
In three to five years or even less, China might face
another round of "dangerous reservoir" problems.
NTD reporters Liang Xin, Shang Yan and Wang Mingyu.

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