“Domino Effect” in China』s Railway System
After the Minister of Railways, Liu Zhijun, was dismissed,
many incidents to expose corruption happened
like a “domino effect.”
In one year, at least 12 officials were dismissed
in the railway system.
The latest official who was dismissed was the former Director
of Railway Bureau in Kunming City, Wen Qingliang.
Some scholars believe that the faults in the Chinese
Communist Party』s (CCP) regime resulted in
its systematic corruption.
Other scholars believe that the CCP itself is an association
to divide up illegally obtained profits.
Its effort of anti-corruption is just the struggle between
different factions.
Recently, several media in China reported the suspected
corruption of the former Director of Railway Bureau in
Kunming City, Wen Qingliang,
who was “required to report his problems.”
Some insiders reveal that Wen had close contact
with Liu Zhijun, the former Minister of Railways,
as well as the rich businesswoman, Ding Shumiao,
involved in Liu』s corruption case,
when they were in Shanxi Province.
Since Luo Jinbao, the former Chairman of China Railway
Container Transport Corp. Ltd., was dismissed in Oct 2010.
12 officials have been dismissed
from the Ministry of Railway.
A famous Chinese commentator who wrote about
anti-corruption, Shi Fei, believes that
the Ministry of Railways has been carrying out
the Great Leap Forward,
with no supervision of mass projects, no control
on corruption, leading to its systematic corruption.
The dismissed officials are only a small part of
the corrupt group.
Shi Fei said: “Without supervision, corruption is inevitable.
If the authorities truly investigate,
there will be a lot more dismissed.
Those who got dismissed or exposed were only a small part,
the authorities haven』t tackled the problem of corruption comprehensively.”
However, the amount of bribe taken by
the dismissed officials is shocking.
It is reported that Liu Zhijun asked a businesswoman
in Shanxi, Ding Shumiao, to keep RMB 2 billion,
which was reserved to buy a higher position.
Zhang Shuguang, Director of Railway Transportation Bureau,
was recently exposed with an overseas deposit of
USD 2.8 billion.
A famous scholar of constitutionalism, Chen Yongmiao, said
that the most corrupt departments inside CCP are
those militarized ones, like railways, army and public safety.
It』s not surprising to catch several heavily corrupt officials
from the Ministry of Railways.
Chen Yongmiao (a scholar of constitutionalism) said:
“The Ministry of Railways, as a military institution,
controls massive wealth and a large economic lifeline.
Many officials are like Zhang Shuguang,
who had taken USD 2.8 billion.
It is lucrative so you may find ten more Zhang Shuguangs.”
Why is the corruption getting worse while the CCP is
advocating anti-corruption?
Shi Fei believes that the corruption in China comes from
the political system and is not only within the railways,
but also in all state owned enterprises, monopolies.
Shi Fei: “There is not much difference between departments.
Maybe one is seemingly more corrupt,
and others, less.
But actually, if you investigate deeper,
there will be a lot of corruption in every department.”
Some economic scholars believe that, every year,
the amount of bribes in China accounts for 5% of the GDP.
In 2009, the bribe amount was equal to the land selling
revenues in that year, 3.4 times of China』s military spending,
8.3 of education spending and
14 times of health care and medical spending!
Chen Yongmiao said: “If those corrupt officials form an
association to divide up the bribes,
then the whole body will gain or lose together.
This is a move to protect the group interest and the
interest of its members.
As to Hu Jintao, he investigated the Ministry of Railways to
get rid of Jiang Zemin』s (former head of the CCP) faction.”
Chen Yongmiao believes that reform won』t happen inside
the CCP, and neither Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao or the CCP』s
future head Xi Jinping, can control the political landscape.
They can only sit in their positions like puppets,
enjoying their benefits.
NTD reporters Zhang Lina, Song Feng and Guo Jing

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