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    據英國《衛報》8月26號引述「維基解密」最新公布的美國外交電文指出,中國正在建造的22座核電站,有20座採用中國自主設計的CPR-1000 (improved Chinese PWR) 堆型,技術是“廉價,過時”的,而且由於大規模採用,極大增加了核事故的風險。

    對於中共當局繞過世界上最先進的由美國研發的AP-1000反應堆,而繼續選用以大亞灣核電廠為藍本的國產反應堆,美國方面表示憂慮,認為這是一個危險的選擇。因為按照美國「西屋電器 (Westinghouse)公司」的說法,AP-1000技術比CPR-1000安全100倍,AP-1000 的“被動安全技術”確保在災難發生的時候,核反應爐會自動關閉。



    電文還披露,中國「所有核反應爐的購買,至今大多是高層內部的政治決定,缺乏任何公開程序」。 電文還指出,中國核電廠招標過程不透明、政府遊說施加影響,以及,與中國快速擴充的核子部門管理與規範監督存在問題。








    China』s Nuclear Reactors a Risk

    A latest U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks reveals

    that China』s nuclear power program poses a potential risk.

    It warns that China』s authorities opt for cheap and outdated

    technologies for its nuclear expansion.

    This vastly increases the risk of nuclear accidents.

    After Japan』s Fukushima Nuclear Accident in March 2011,

    the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

    temporarily halted its nuclear expansion program.

    Not long ago, the CCP authorities announced that the 13

    existing nuclear plants passed official safety inspections.

    Checks for the facilities under construction such as the

    Sanmen Nuclear Plant would be finished by October.

    The CCP』s nuclear expansion is apparently well under way.

    On August 26, the Guardian reported that 20 of 22 nuclear

    plants under construction used cheap CPR-1000 reactors.

    This has "vastly increased" the risk of a nuclear accidents,

    according to a U.S. diplomatic cable.

    The U.S. is concerned that the CCP authorities

    bypassed the state-of-the-art AP1000 reactor

    developed by the U.S. company Westinghouse.

    China continues to use domestically produced reactors

    supplied by Daya Bay (Daya Wan) Nuclear Plant.

    This was a dangerous choice.

    According to Westinghouse, AP-1000 is 100 times safer

    than CPR-1000. Because in the event of a disaster,

    AP-1000』s Passive Safety Technology ensures that

    a reactor will automatically shut down.

    Experts point out that without this feature,

    a nuclear plant is considered highly risky.

    The CPR-1000 employed by China』s nuclear plants

    is without the :Passive Safety Technology.”

    In the event of a disaster, the plant would rely on human

    intervention – difficult to provide during a crisis situation.

    This vastly increases the combined risk

    of China』s existing nuclear plants.

    The CCP authorities also acknowledged

    that CPR-1000 is less safe than the newer models.

    WikiLeaks revealed that the speed China』s nuclear

    expansion is faster than the training speed of the personnel.

    This greatly increases the risk of nuclear accidents, and

    the nuclear plants may end up to be like high-speed trains.

    According to WikiLeaks, the purchases of China』s reactors

    to date have been decided internally by high level officials.

    absent of an open process."

    The document highlights the secrecy of the opaque

    bidding process for power plant contracts, the CCP authorities』

    influence and potential weaknesses in the management

    and regulatory oversight of fast-expanding nuclear sector.

    Zhou Yun, nuclear expert at Harvard University,

    said that in the wake of Fukushima Nuclear Accident,

    the CCP authorities suspended the permits for new plants.

    This showed that it lacked careful initial safety assessment

    on the nuclear power projects.

    The CCP authorities plan to build 50-60 new nuclear plants

    by 2020. 36 of them will be completed in the next 10 years.

    On August 26, Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station』s

    Guangdong Ling Ao Nuclear Power station second phase

    was put into operation.

    The Daya Bay plant is China』s second nuclear power station.

    In the 1980s, during its Preparation & Construction Phase,

    a million Hong Kong citizens signed a petition opposing it.

    After operation started, the Daya Bay Nuclear Plant

    experienced several radioactive leakages.

    In 2010 alone, leakage accidents occurred three times.

    On May 23, 2010, the leakage-affected range was beyond

    the plant premises, threatening the nearby residents.

    It was reported that radioactive leakage came from

    the innermost fuel rods.

    The fuel rods were previously imported from France,

    but 3 years ago, the plant started to use domestic ones.

    On October 23, 2010, three cracks were found on the

    cooling pipelines of the reactor,

    long with the leakage of radioactive boron crystals,

    equivalent to 20 chest X-rays.

    The event was assessed as Level 1

    on the International Nuclear Event Scale,

    This was not reported until a month later. This aroused the

    public』s doubt of an authorities』 intentional cover-up.

    Lau Tat Man, ex Editor-in-Chief of Outpost Magazine, said

    that the Daya Bay Nuclear Plant often conceals accidents.

    Behind all this are the collusions between CCP officials

    and businessmen.

    This is directly linked to ex-CCP premier Li Peng』s family,

    who controls China's electrical power system.

    NTD reporters Xu Min and Li Ruolin