Secret Custody and Surveillance Legalized in China
The "Draft Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law"
was submitted to the Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP)
NPC Standing Committee on August 24,
for their review and consideration.
An addendum was made regarding
the surveillance of residence.
stating that secret surveillance and arrests by the authorities
were to be legalized.
The draft raised serious doubts from
human rights organizations and lawyers.
The CCP』s NPC Standing Committee is preparing to amend
a criminal law provision that states that
if the "surveillance of a residence adversely effects
the investigation of a case, and if the persecutor approves,
police will be allowed to secretly arrest or monitor
persons who threaten national security,
or who are involved in terrorism or
serious corruption."
This provision gives police the authority to put a suspect
under house arrest for as long as six months,
without notifying the suspect』s family.
Central South University of Political Science law professor,
Zhang Zhanning is firmly against this dangerous legislation.
He said that, if a society is not ruled by law,
then this society is an unstable society, filled with crises.
Zhang Zhanning said:
"I think this is a terrifying regulation.
I think the law should be transparent, should be made public.
If I acted illegally, then you should tell me clearly.
If I am going to be put in custody, arrested or monitored,
then this should be clearly made known to me.
If this is allowed to be done in secret, then it is possible that
China, with 1.3 billion people, will become a mega-prison."
Regarding the draft of the new law,
Guizhou-based human rights activist, Chen Xi, doubted:
"China has the long standing problem of waging war among
its people, as it has corrupted people』s conscience.
We can see from this proposed law
that the Chinese law system is barbaric."
Guizhou-based human rights activist, Chen Xi:
"I am worried as this law gives police unbridled authority,
as they can put anyone in custody
for six months.
Remember this, this law can, in effect,
put 1.3 billion Chinese people into custody for six months
and take away their freedom,
maybe even their lives."
Chen Xi also believes that
if this law is passed,
Chinese human rights activists and lawyers will
be secretly arrested, making illegal kidnapping, legal.
Chen Xi: "I think if the latest legislation were to be approved,
it would be a totally abusive move, that is,
it is not targeting the people in power, but targeting human
rights activists or anyone considered a 『threat』 to the state.
This defies the rule of law;
it is bad legislation.
The fact that a regular citizen can be taken into custody
for six months,
means that China will no longer be a country
governed by its people, as it was meant to be.
Therefore, we must oppose this type of warped legislation."
The Draft Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law
also calls for an end to torture, violence, and other illegal
methods in an effort to collect evidence. This also applies to
forced confessions, testimonies, and statements.
Zhang Zhanning: "I don』t consider this a new legislation, as
it』s already included in the existing Criminal Procedure Law.
This new draft only came about because CCP officials always
turn a blind eye to things or even indulge in them,
thus they』ve never strictly complied
with this provision.
Of course, we need to enforce this regulation. That is, all
forced confessions or testimonies should be considered invalid.
The person who forces a suspect to confess should be punished.
This provision should be strictly enforced."
Frequent amendments to criminal laws have always
raises doubts and concerns among lawyers.
According to sources, seven Criminal Law Amendments
were passed from 1997 to 2009, alone.
This latest proposed amendment affects the personal freedom
and property rights of all Chinese citizens.
Chinese layer, Liu Xiaoyuan, twittered:“The CCP』s Standing
Committee should publicly reviewthe draft amendment,
"Criminal Procedure Law,"
and be open to accepting outside arguments."
NTD reporters Chuang Chun, Huang Rong and Bo Ni



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