溫家寶從年初就強調宏觀調控抑制通脹,但是居民消費價格指數CPI仍不斷攀升,7月份 CPI為6.5%,創37個月來新高。
Stabilizing Prices First Priority
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao wrote recently
in Seeking Truth magazine,
that the stabilization of general price levels remains
the primary task of macroeconomic regulation and control,
and cannot be changed. Economists believe that inflation
has reached a point hard to bear for people in the mainland,
society is in danger, so Wen showed his stand.
If the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does not change
its policy of 『national wealth,』 inflation cannot be solved.
Wen said to stabilize the general price level remains
the primary task of macroeconomic regulation and control,
and therefore he should pay more attention
to prices rising too fast.
Wen stressed macro-control of inflation since early 2011,
but the consumer price index (CPI) is still rising.
In July, CPI was 6.5%, becoming the highest
in the past 37 months.
Economist Jian Tianlun said that Wen stressed
price stabilization because prices are too high,
and are increasing at a rate of more than 6% per month,
harming the Chinese citizens.
This also shows the failure of the macro-control policy.
Jian Tianlun (Economist): "China's inflation is detrimental to
the survival of the people, affecting lives of ordinary people.
China's real estate prices have been at a sharp rise,
which never stopped.
Although the Chinese interest rates have increased five times
since last year, and bank reserve ratio increased nine times,
they did not achieve any results."
Jian Tianlun: 「Without changing the RMB exchange rate,
it is impossible to change the inflation
by rising interest rates and reserve ratios.」
Jian Tianlun: 「The approach taken had not achieved
good results, because firstly it is cumulative.
Secondly, it is a result of RMB having long been
undervalued, over 10 years now.
Chinese exports have been a surplus, and foreign exchange
reserves have been continuously expanded.
If RMB is kept undervalued, the RMB will flood
the domestic market, so inflation will be inevitable.」
In 2011, food and vegetable prices rose even more sharply.
Pork rose 40% in May, compared to that in 2010,
and rose another 11.7% in July, compared to June.
Economic expert Jason Jie believes that food inflation leads
to lower living standard of middle and low levels of society,
as it is dangerous for a society to have
an economic growth of more than 10%.
But the biggest reason for the rise in food prices
is CCP』s various ways of exploitation.
He said, the price rising factor is either in the way
of tax, or from the CCP controlled companies,
like those in oil and energy, water and electricity industries.
The CCP pushes consistently the prices higher in all sectors.
Wen emphasized that the real estate market
regulation and policies should be executed firmly
to ensure achieving tangible results.
Regarding Wen』s remarks, Jie stressed that high housing prices
are like a highly toxic weed,
which can kill all sprouts in economic development.
So the CCP has always stressed to control house prices,
but house prices in second-tier cities are still increasing
at a double-digit rate. It shows the CCP』s policies
will become a figurehead.
He believes that the CCP will not tighten its policies,
even though CCP central wants to, the local will not do it.
Local governments use every mean to secure their finances.
Economist Cao』an Jushi said that interest groups in China
led to a 『wealthy country』 instead of 『wealthy people』 model.
Chinese domestic demand was not nurtured. He said, along
with U.S.』 recession hitting rock bottom for a second time,
China is bound to be more seriously affected,
and prices will rise.
International economic turmoil will make the Chinese
export-oriented economy gradually heading toward collapse.
NTD reporters Liang Xin, Song Feng and Xiao Yu

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