外交密電引述中國社科院學者的話說, 2009年3月全國人大會議舉行時,全國人大委員長吳邦國在講話中罕有的指出,中國政治不可照搬西方那一套,加上不少中共高層批評西方政治制度,以及《北京日報》等黨媒發表評論,公開批評「普世價值」,矛頭都是指向溫家寶。
《蘋果日報》5號在評論文章《溫家寶還可說可做多少事?》中說:「中國現行的政治體制,溫家寶所掌控的人脈,都決定了他無法推動中國民主選舉的突破。但在明年中共十八大卸任政治局常委之前,甚至在 2013年宣讀最後一份政府工作報告之際,他還是有權、有責去說一些話、做一些事。」
WikiLeaks: Premier Wen』s Internal Struggles
WikiLeaks recently revealed a U.S. government cable,
showing some high ranking Chinese government
and military officials were dissatisfied
with Premier Wen Jiabao for his pro-freedom style.
The confidential cable, entitled “Premier Wen is under
widespread criticism but maintains a stable status,”
that WikiLeaks disclosed was sent by
the U.S. Embassy in Beijing in July 2009.
It shows that Wen Jiabao was discontent with the PLA』s
delay in dispatching airborne soldiers
to the Wenchuan earthquake area for adverse weather.
Wen said: “I only have one sentence to say:
It is the people who keep you fed, so do as you see
appropriate.” This has angered military high levels.
Political and economic commentator Cao』an Jushi says
that Chinese military is a self-contained system
that does not really listen to the State Council,
but abides by the orders from the military committee
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In China,
the Premier is not allowed to command the armed forces.
Cao』an Jushi: “Despite the severe national calamity, CCP』s
military still do not obey Premier Wen Jiabao』s orders.
It can be seen that the army forces in China are personalized
and tamed, and belong only to the Party, not the nation.
This is a serious problem in the Chinese system.”
The cable quoted an official working with Wen Jiabao
in the CCP』s central office in the 1980』s
by saying that Wen was regarded as “too liberal”
for his thoughts and values for reform,
especially political, as his former superior Zhao Ziyang.
Wen Jiabao has acknowledged the Western freedom
and democracy on many public occasions,
which aroused dissatisfactions from the CCP』s old factions.
The cable quoted a scholar from the Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences (CASS),
who said that in March, at the 2009 National People』s
Congress (NPC) meetings, NPC chairman Wu Bangguo
rarely pointed out in his speech that China does not intend
to copy the Western system.
Many CCP high levels criticize the Western political system.
CCP mouthpieces like Beijing Daily published editorials to
openly criticize the “universal values,” aimed at Wen Jiabao.
Political commentator Wu Fan says that there is a difference
between Wen Jiabao and Zhao Ziyang.
Wu Fan: “It is true that Zhao Ziyang wanted to carry out
political reform, but his reform aimed at maintaining stability,
interests and governance of the CCP. But Wen Jiabao talks
about the universal values, which is not for the CCP only.
However, it is still questionable
whether he is able to implement it.”
The cable also said that Wen Jiabao was questioned by
ex-Premier Zhu Rongji for his inability to rectify the economy.
Wen Jiabao was once in dispute with Guangdong Party
Secretary Wang Yang on the enterprise transformation』s pace.
The cable quoted a scholar from CASS verifying that Wen
was indeed at odds with Wang on economic policies.
After the outbreak of the worldwide economic crisis in 2008,
many factories in China, especially in Guangdong province,
were closed, with a large number of workers unemployed.
Wen Jiabao requested that Guangdong suspends its plan
to transform and upgrade its enterprises
in order to alleviate social upheaval,
but was refused by Guangdong』s CCP Secretary Wang Yang.
Cao』an Jushi believes that Wang Yang』s policy nears
Hu Jintao』s, but is at a distance from Wen Jiabao』s,
so Wen has met with a significant difficulty
in the current political system.
Cao』an Jushi: “The Chinese government has implemented
the cabinet system, so superficially all powers
are in Hu Jintao』s hands, but in fact, he is not in charge at all.
The actual tasks are performed by Wen Jiabao.
However, Wen cannot do everything at his own will,
but he has to shoulder all the responsibilities.”
The cable also pointed out that despite the criticism
of his handling of the economy,
conclusions at that time did not shake his status as a premier.
Analysts believe his power may have gradually weakened,
but Wen should be able to complete his term till March 2013.
Cao』an Jushi: “China has a complicated state as a country.
Since the CCP is ruling China now,
it is not surprising at all for China to run into these problems.
To truly change China, a political reform
throughout China is necessary.”
In its September 5 editorial, titled “How many words
and things can Wen Jiabao still say or do?” Apple Daily said:
“The current Chinese political system,
and the personnel connections Wen Jiabao can control,
all determine that he is unable to garner a breakthrough
in democratic election in China.
Before he retires from the Politburo in the 18th Congress
next year, or reads his last government work report in 2013,
he still has the power and the responsibility
to say or do something.”
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Shang Yan and Zhang Jian


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