【新唐人2011年9月6日訊】台灣電影《賽德克.巴萊》(Seediq Bale)在威尼斯傳出遭到矮化,台灣拍的電影卻在威尼斯影展被標為中國製造,國名爭議牽動兩岸敏感的神經,也出現兩岸媒體對這部電影的兩極化解讀。
1930年日本統治台灣時期,賽德克族被迫失去自己的文化與信仰,他們被禁止紋面,完全失去成為「賽德克.巴萊」的傳統信仰圖騰,無法成為「真正的人」。 驍勇善戰的賽德克族馬赫坡社頭目莫那魯道(Mona Rudao),見證30年來的壓迫統治,看著族人過著苦不堪言的日子。
對於片中的暴力血腥場面,執導過好萊塢大片《變臉 》和《諜中諜 II》的吳宇森認為:這不是故意誇張,而是魏德聖導演對歷史和原住民文化的真實呈現。
Seediq Bale Receives Criticism in China
Taiwan film Seediq Bale is said to have been labeled
“made in China” in Venice Film Festival.
The name of production country pulls
on the sensitive nerves across the Strait.
Media on two sides also show extremely different
interpretations of the film.
According to the report, Seediq Bale』s world premiere
was at the Venice Film Festival.
It had a full house, and 800 audience members applauded
to the end of the credits.
Director Wei Te-Sheng, actress Vivian Hsu
and others bowed twice.
Some movie-goers shouted: "Taiwan, come on!"
Seediq Bale won the praise of many foreign film magazines.
The well-known British film magazine
Screen gave it 4 stars out of 5.
Hollywood Reporter says that Seediq Bale has
sold its film rights in England and France.
Japan and South Korea is under negotiation.
Producer Huang Chih-ming said that at present
two film companies in North America are negotiating
on the film』s distribution.
After the Venice premiere, the film』s price has increased.
Despite the global welcome,
and director John Woo』s recognition,
the mainland media reports are full of politicized
partisan criticism.
Since the film features the aboriginal Taiwan people,
NetEase Entertainment described this film as
a real-life version of Avatar.
It also said that a large number of bloody scenes
disturb audiences.
Ifeng.com said “it is still one step away from good film."
Sina.com critic Zhu Xubin criticized Seediq Bale
as an iridescent but hollow pseudo-epic.
These reports caused strong responses from
Taiwanese netizens.
Netizen Night Rain said, “Which war is not bloody?
A true epic does not seek gorgeous special effects,
but only tries to restore the historical scene.
Why not carry out some introspection to look at
the recent Chinese “great” films.
Which one of them is loyal to 『historical truth』?"
On September 4, Seediq Bale celebrated its premiere
at Taipei Ketagalan Avenue North Plaza.
President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen
also attended it.
Greatly moved, Ma said,
"This epic movie leaves me moved and in admiration.
It helps me to better understand indigenous Taiwan people.
I am shocked, moved, and I admire it. "
Seediq Bale a word of the Sediq language,
meaning "Seediq, become a real man."
During the Japanese rule of Taiwan in the 1930s,
Seediq people were deprived of their own culture and beliefs.
They were prohibited from tattoos on their face,
and thus lost their traditional totem.
As a result, they cannot become “a real man."
Mona Rudao, the brave and skilled Seediq leader,
witnessed 30 years of oppressive rule
and the miserable days of his people.
For their survival and dignity, Mo Rudao led his men to
fight the Japanese government.
Mo Rudao told his people, "The Japanese are more than
the stones in the river, more than the leaves in the forest,
but my determination to fight is stronger than
the Qilai Mountain!"
As to the bloody scenes in the film, John Woo,
who has directed the Hollywood blockbusters Face
and Mission Impossible II, said, this is no exaggeration,
but a truthful representation of
the history of the aboriginal culture.”
John Woo: “I have to say that I am a little nervous,
because this film is quite new, quite fresh to everybody.
People have never seen such a story in history.
I think the audience will like it, because it is very unique,
very different from other Chinese films. "
Children, at the top of the Rainbow Bridge,
there is a fertile hunting ground!
The spirits of our ancestors are still there!
Only brave souls can enter those hunting grounds.
We absolutely cannot lose it... ---- Mona Rudao
NTD reporter Huang Rong

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