郭美美繼炫富事件後,有關她的專訪出現在最新一期的時尚雜誌《嘉人 Marie Claire》中。雜誌打著「獨家專訪」、以「郭美美從未想做全民公敵」作文章內頁標題。雜誌內容曝光後,網友對郭美美上時尚雜誌持反對態度,大眾矛頭直指雜誌社,認為雜誌社與郭美美互相利用炒作,是漠視民意底線的行為。
民政部「中民慈善捐助信息中心」提供的數據顯示,近幾個月慈善組織接收捐款總額較3至5月急降近九成,金額差距達50多億。北京市紅十字會披露的數據顯示,今年7月,共接受捐款總計15.44萬元;與去年的756萬元比較,差距巨大。深圳市紅會的捐贈額也由5月的50,000多元下降到7月的 5,335元;河南省紅十字會今年7月只收到一筆5,295元的捐款。
Guo Meimei』s Interview Infuriates Netizens
Anchor: Material-girl, Guo Meimei, was recently interviewed
by China』s Marie Claire magazine and other media.
The article titled, "Guo Meimei Has Never Thought
of Herself as a Public Enemy,"
revealed Guo』s relationship with the Red Cross Society of China,
igniting a firestorm of controversy.
Netizens criticized the magazine』s lack of moral values
and called for a boycott.
. Writer, Ren Xiaowen, also criticized the magazine saying it
“hurt the feelings of all taxpayers,”
adding that the magazine is
“eroding the baseline of morality.”
The Marie Claire magazine printed an exclusive interview,
titled: "Guo Meimei Has Never Thought of Herself As a Public Enemy."
Netizens strongly reacted to the article saying
that the magazine helped Guo succeed in the entertainment industry, ignoring public opinion.
Former China Ocean News reporter, Zan Aizong,
expressed that as long the reporter reported the truth,
there should not be a problem with the interview.
Zan Aizong: “Whether the report did or didn』t reflect Guo』s views,
if she lied, the reporter is still responsible for exposing the lie.
In addition, he shouldn』t base his news story on one single-source.
Guo said her money all came from playing Mahjong,
but it is not realistic that one would become as wealthy as
she did by simply playing Mahjong.
She has so much money,
including a 2 million yuan (US$313,000) luxury car.
It is literally impossible to earn that much money
by playing Mahjong!”
An Internet survey reported that 87% of netizens didn』t believe
Guo』s story when she was interviewed by Marie Claire magazine.
Writer Ren Xiaoxia: “I was speechless
when I read Guo』s cover story in the magazine.”
Ren said the magazine hurt taxpayer』s feelings.
The magazine benefited by the interview,
as many people are interested in following Guo』s story,
despite the fact that most people don』t believe her.
In addition, the public now distrusts charitable organizations,
including the national Red Cross in China,
which is facing both a credibility and economic crisis.
International Natural Hazard Research Association chairman,
Li Bochun, recently stated: “The China Charity organization,
including the Red Cross and the China Charity Federation,
have come under increasing public scrutiny.”
Li Bochun: “At present, the Red Cross』 transparency policy,
regarding incoming donations, is not enough,
as people are concerned about
how their donations are being used.
The China Charity organization should have been
better managed, with even greater transparency.”
Ministry of Civil Affaires』 data shows that in recent months,
the donations received by charity organizations
have dropped by 90% from March to May,
a difference of about 50 billion yuan (US$7.8 billion).
The Beijing Red Cross said that in July,
it received a total of 154,000 yuan (US$ 24,092),
compared to last year』s total of 7.56 million yuan (US$1,182,580).
Shen Zhen Red Cross donations totalled 50,000 yuan (US$7,821)
in May but dropped down to 5,335 yuan (US$834) in July,
while the Henan Province Red Cross only received
5,295 yuan (US$828) in July.
Zan Aizong: “People now associate Guo with the Red Cross,
which has greatly damaged the credibility of the charitable organization.
Now, the public doesn』t believe either one of them.
Since the Guo Meimei incident,
Red Cross』 income has dropped dramatically, especially in August.”
Zan Aizong believes that public opinion will decide whether
or not the Red Cross will survive.
If it acquires a bad reputation, the public will not support it,
thus, the Red Cross will cease to exist in China.
NTD reporters Tang Rong and Wang Mingyu




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