The Absurdity of the Half-Century Old "Communist Model Building"
In Beijing Erhuan, the An Hua Building was once a CCP model building project, but now it is grizzled, old, and dilapidated. The An Hua Building's rise and decline has recorded the absurd history of China under CCP's rule. Here is the story of the An Hua Building.
Located in Erhuan, southeast of Beijing, the An Hua Building was born in the time when people shouted "Communism is paradise, and the people's commune is the bridge." Half a century later, decades-old residents have been looking forward to hearing the news of the dilapidated building's demolition.
Miss Zhang Jun used to be a teacher in Beijing. She said that “Communism is paradise” never existed; however, many people were fooled by it.
Zhang Jun said, "The so-called paradise the CCP promised was actually a beautiful lie. In fact, it was to deceive the Chinese. At that time, I was in elementary school. That was the saying which impressed me most. Now I recall what the CCP propagandized. It said that socialism was the primary stage, according to one's work; communism was the advanced stage, according to one's need. I thought,”how nice it is to gain according to one's need.” People didn't need to work. Communism was really like heaven. You may eat whatever you want, and whatever you thought about, you could obtain. Thus, many Chinese became obsessed at that time.”
Shanghai architect Kim Cheng was in charge of the An Hua Building project. He recalled the train of thought while designing it, "A dining hall is essential, each household would not have to cook." So, the building's interior design was entrusted to the designers with the expectation of the "communist life" and based on the principal "large group, individual free." But in fact, the fantasy that people went to the dining hall to eat stewed meat for every meal was never achieved. No one ever felt full.
Guangxi freelancer Jing Chu said that the dining hall ideal was very absurd.
Guangxi freelancer Jing Chu said, “ In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the dining hall caused more than 50 million people to starve to death. The Great Leap Forward, the People's Commune, Dining Hall, and Steel Fever have caused great catastrophes to the Chinese. "
In severe economic difficulties, the interior of the An Hua Building was also compromised. According to "China Youth Daily" magazine, the bathtub was not installed in each unit and the planned four elevators was reduced to two. Due to expensive rent, the “An Hua Building” wasn't full until 3 or 5 years later. Most two-bedroom units with one toilet was shared by two families. Even today, it still can be seen that a large family squeezed into one room.
Guangxi freelancer Jing Chu said, “It (the CCP) blew a bubble to gild the ideology of communism. But, it could not. Ultimately, it can only slap its mouth. Thus, the CCP becomes indifferent to things (the Communist Model Building), and it didn't inject any capital. Therefore, the residents live in poor conditions. Their quality of life is very low.”
In 2001, the Bei Guan Ting Building in Dongcheng District was demolished by explosion. The Fu Sui Jing building in Xicheng District was also demolished. "Southern Weekend" cited that the An Hua Building is “the last communist sample building" in the latest issue. Before the Beijing Olympics, the gray “An Hua Building” was painted a pink color.
Spending most of their lives in the An Hua Building, many old residents have wondered: What is Communism after all? The “paradise” never existed.
NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu

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