中國事物時事評論家伍凡: 「借用孔子的東西,到處吹牛皮、說謊,外國人也不相信哪!所以,文化部實在看不下去了,你們這個賣狗皮膏藥賣得太離譜了,所以乾脆就把你們封殺,叫你們不要玩這個把戲了。因為對內對外,都講不通嘛,自己不尊重孔子,還要到外面去販賣孔子,誰能相信你這一套呢?」
前山東大學教授孫文廣: 「這說明,中共當局有一些人,沒有自知之明,不知道自己的身份,不知道自己在全世界、在國內給人留下過甚麼樣的印象,也忘了它自己過去怎樣使用武力對這個歷史,那麼最後它只得灰溜溜的取消了這個獎。」
Confucius Peace Prize Cancelled
The second Confucius Peace Prize was cancelled
last month. The Chinese Ministry of Culture has declared
the shutdown of all Confucius World Peace Award』 activities.
Comments said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
wanted to use the name of Confucius as a 『flag of tiger skin,』
to compete with the Nobel Peace Prize,
in an attempt to continue fooling the Chinese people.
The CCP stopped this new peace prize in desperation.
On October 6, the Foundation of Social and Cultural
Development in the Chinese Ministry of Culture,
issued a statement on its official website, claiming
the Confucius World Peace Award project
had not received approval from higher authorities,
and had been cancelled.
This is the second peace prize under the name of Confucius
that has been cancelled.
Last month, the local Art Association of the Chinese Ministry
of Culture said it will terminate the 2nd Confucius Peace Prize,
and will force all organizers, like the Association of
Chinese Traditional Culture, etc., to withdraw.
In 2010, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded
the Nobel Peace Prize to a dissident detained in China,
which was said to have infuriated and embarrassed the CCP.
To counter the Nobel Peace Prize,
the CCP set up the Confucius Peace Prize, and deliberately
issued it on the same day as the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony.
Zhang Weiguo (Political commentator): "It (the CCP)
established this award. The real purpose is not for peace,
and not for spreading Chinese culture, but for counteracting
the universal values represented by the Nobel Peace Prize.
The results are apparently opposite to their expectation.
People regard it as a joke."
The first Confucius Peace Prize was awarded
to the KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan in Taiwan,
but Lien did not come to accept the award.
Zhang Tianliang (Political commentator): "It (CCP) awarded
Lien, but Lien would not come to take the award.
Lien said he was not clear on the background of this award.
Finally, a little girl came to accept the award
on behalf of Lien. It was a very embarrassing situation."
Radio France Internationale』s Chinese website
quoted Professor Zhou Xiaozheng
from the Department of Sociology at Renmin University,
as saying that the award which mainland authorities
were trying to establish as the so-called World Peace Award,
was a typical 『flag of tiger skin.』
Commentator Wu Fan told NTD Television, that the CCP
never respected Confucius. The Confucius Institute,
amongst many other things, has been stolen for the purpose
of whitewashing the CCP and cheating others.
Wu Fan: "It (CCP) borrows Confucius name, boasts with it,
tells lies, and now even foreigners don』t believe it!
Even the Ministry of Culture realized it was too outrageous,
so it just terminated the prize, stopped the trick. This has
neither internal nor external justification. They (CCP) do not
respect Confucius, yet try to use him, who』ll believe them?"
Dr. Sun Wenguang, former professor at Shandong University,
said that during the Cultural Revolution,
the CCP criticized Lin Biao and Confucius,
known as “Smashed Confucianism.”
Now it wants to use Confucius to display power. Many
comments claim that because of CCP's violent nature,
it is just asking for insult and ridicule.
Sun Wenguang: "This shows that the Chinese authorities
don』t have correct self assessment, don』t know their identity,
don』t know what impression they left on China and the world,
and even forgot how they treated history with a violence.
Finally they had to cancel the award in disgrace."
Last month, mainland media widely reported
on the Confucius Peace Prize,
claiming this year』s candidates include the current
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
But the Chinese authorities halted the Confucius Peace Prize,
and announced the launch of another award,
the Confucius World Peace Award.
The New York Times said Liu Haofeng, claiming to be
the founder of the Confucius Peace Prize,
said some people tried to meddle with this award, so they
introduced the Confucius World Peace Award.
With the halt of the Confucius Peace Award,
CCP』s first World Peace Prize has also come to an end.
According to a report from the UK』s Guardian,
the CCP continues to spend huge sums of money overseas
on the so-called Confucius Institutes in an attempt to output
the CCP ideology, and work on their “united front.”
NTD reporters Liang Xin, Li Qian and Zhou Tian


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