Xinhai Revolution: Ma Calls for Recognizing ROC
October 10 is National Day in the Republic of China,
and also the hundred-year anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution.
Both Mainland China and Taiwan commemorate this day publicly.
However, in the speech by CCP』s president Hu Jintao,
the Republic of China was not mentioned at all.
Taiwanese citizens fiercely criticized it.
President Ma Ying-jeou called for CCP』s recognition of the Republic of China.
As usual, CCP celebrated the Xinhai anniversary this year.
At 10 a.m. on October 9, CCP』s celebration was held in Beijing.
Nine members of CCP』s Central Committee attended.
Former president Jiang Zemin was also present.
Previously, he had been reported dead several times.
Hu Jintao delivered a speech at the meeting.
After a brief mentioning of the 1911 Revolution and Sun Yat-sen,
He primarily said that "only CCP can save China."
He did not mention the Republic of China at all.
Hu's remarks triggered fierce criticism, especially from Taiwan.
In the Republic of China, President Ma Ying-jeou said that
many people sacrificed their lives for China in the past 100 years.
ROC President Ma Ying-jeou:
In memory of the Xinhai Revolution, we cannot distort history.
We must respect the truth and recognize the existence of ROC.
The Republic of China is not in past tense, but is in existence now!
The Republic of China is not in past tense, but is in existence now!
Prior to this, Ma also stressed several times that Sun Yat-sen』s
dream has come true in Taiwan, not Mainland China.
Public comments say CCP is against Sun』s political philosophy.
Celebrated historian Xin Haonian said CCP owes Chinese
people too much to pay back since it took power in China.
Xin Haonian
Isn』t the 6.4 event a massacre?
Didn』t CCP suppress faith-based groups in Mainland China?
In today』s China, how many people have lost freedom?
How many civilians have been persecuted when they try to appeal?
Hu Ping, chief editor of Beijing Spring, says, “CCP』s totalitarian
rule today is much worse than that of the warlords in history.”
Those warlords were not as inhumane as today』s CCP.
They were somehow influenced by the trend of freedom and democracy,
and neither did they arm themselves with the evil heresy of Communism.
He Bing, vice president at China University of Political Science and Law,
wrote in his twitter: news! [CCP] used to inherit Marxism,
but now it is inheriting the Three Principles of the People.
Hu Jintao said in this speech, "The Xinhai Revolution ended
the thousand-year autocratic monarchy in China.”
Historian Xin Haonian comments that today's CCP is just like
the late Manchu dynasty, completely authoritarian.
They do all they can to stay in power.
Xin Haonian
CCP is an authoritarian entity. The Chinese Communist regime
is a restoration of the authoritarian dictatorship.
The Manchu regime tried reform, while CCP restores dictatorship.
Liu Yiming, freelance writer for Deutsche Welle, wrote in his article that
CCP has deviated from the values of the Xinhai Revolution.
Apparently they commemorate it, but in fact they are afraid of it.
Hu cited Sun, saying "unification is the hope of all Chinese people.”
Zhang Wuyue, director of China Study at Tamkang University,
Responded to Hu』s words.
He said that Hu』s words are out of the interest of the CCP, not China.
Sun』s unification really refers to the revival of China.
Hong Kong Apple Daily questioned CCP』s commemoration,
saying it is legitimizing CCP』s rule and covering up its atrocity.
Meanwhile, CCP claimed to unite Taiwan, taking advantage
of patriotic emotions for the benefit of CCP itself.
NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Guo Jing


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