文章以中國「南昊科技公司」(Nanhao Group)為例,這個看似普通的科技公司,實際它在河北衡水市的5百名職工還有第二份工作,自2006年起,它成為中國人民解放軍組建的一支網絡民兵部隊。
上個星期,美國眾議院情報委員會主席羅傑斯(Mike Rogers)公開批評中共的網絡攻擊,成為當天美國多家媒體的頭條。
美國全球安全網站(globalsecurity.org)網絡作戰研究員史密斯(George Smith)對美國之音指出,中國軍方招募網絡民兵,一是利用這些機構的科研優勢協助發動網絡攻擊,二是利用企業招牌為軍方提供掩護,是典型的網絡代理攻擊模式。
U.S. Accuses China of Cyber War “Intolerable”
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to expand
The “Internet War” which has once again
sparked international controversy.
U.S. senators have accused the CCP of blatant theft which has
reached an “Intolerable Level”.
This is the most severe criticism ever by
European and U.S. governments
CCP 's extensive military use of technology sectors and
academic influences has set up thousands of cyber militia units.
Financial Times (FT) published series Cyber Warfare:
“The New Arms Race”.
reported that hacking in China is growing,
it is getting more professional and more organised.
FT reported that Nanhao Group in China is
an ordinary technology company,
however, its 500 employees in Hengshui city, Hebei Province,
have a second job. Since 2005 Nanhao has been home to
a cyber militia unit Organised by the People's Liberation Army.
Bai Guoliang, Nanhao Vice-president said to FT that
all staff under the ago of 30 belong to the unit which
has “regular exchanges”, training PLA officers.
FT journalist asked if the group would carry out cyber attacks,
Bai Guoliang said: “That has nothing to do with you.”
Last year, governments, companies and defense contractors
such as Lockheed Martin have faced sophisticated cyber attacks
said to have originated in China.
Last week, the chairman of the House intelligence committee,
Mike Rogers accused China of “intolerable” “cyber attacks”.
Many media in the U.S. reported this as a headline.
Republican Representative, Mike Rogers said:
"China's economic espionage has reached an intolerable level
and I believe that the United States and our allies in Europe
and Asia have an obligation to confront Beijing and demand
that a stop is put to this piracy."
After the Internet search giant Google and other internet firms
were attacked and said the source was traced to
Lanxiang Senior Technical School in Shandong Province and
Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
George Smith, senior fellow at Globalsecurity.org told VOA
that China's creation of cyber militia unit has two purposes:
one is the use of the institutions' research to help cyber attacks,
second is the use of business' signs to cover up the attacks.
It is a typical network proxy attack mode.
Beijing once again insists the state doesn't sponsor hacking.
However, according to an article reported in the magazine of
“the PLA Academy of Military Sciences ”,
the cyber militia's tasks include “stealing, changing and
erasing data” on enemy networks and their intrusion with
the goal of “deception, jamming, disruption, throttling and paralysis”.
Hu Jun, an activist in China believes that the purpose of the
CCP's “Internet War” is to consolidate its power.
Hu Jun: “The CCP fears public exposure, the
CCP is always hiding despicable
attacks on human civilization in the dark..
On September 15, U.S. and Australia issued a joint statement
to add cyber warfare to their country's joint defence treaty,
to counter cyber threats. The two countries will work together
to take action, regardless of which country is being attacked.
U.S. defence said that defending against cyber attacks is
the battlefield of the future.
NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Tang Yu and Sun Ning

【禁聞】賴昌星或免死 中共高層權鬥妥協?

【禁聞】限購令朝令夕改 中央與地方博弈

【禁聞】貴州小學吃爛菜 黑心食堂引民憤

【禁聞】六中全會論「文化」 中共透管制信息

【禁聞】習近平訪美或添變 十八大繼位難料

【禁聞】「佔領華爾街」全球瘋 大陸低調進行

【禁聞】六中全會場內秀文化 場外抓訪民

【禁聞】權鬥在即 六中全會牽動十八大人事


【禁聞】物價飛漲 大陸民眾叫苦:錢不夠用

【禁聞】學者評斥六中全會 籲復興傳統文化

【禁聞】中國公路收費高 為何仍虧損連連?


【禁聞】防聚焦趙紫陽冥誕 當局戒備


【禁聞】中國道德驚人下滑 見義勇為臨絕跡