《德國之聲》的消息說,上週,汪洋在一個內部會議上,“佈置” 廣東省的媒體開展“輿論監督報導”。 10月18號,有媒體人在微博透露了一個“內部消息”說,廣東省委宣傳部近期暫停任何禁止或限制性的宣傳指令。
廣東媒體人野火:“汪洋很多次的講話,允許民主的聲音存在的講話是令人振奮的,但是實行起來呢,就並不是那麼理想,還是與他承諾的有距離,這個也可以理解,身在那種最高的利益集團,很難一下子一桿子插到底的,他周圍還有保守勢力的,他必須平衡。 ”
新唐人記者 常春,李靜,孫寧 採訪報導
Guangdong Releases Press Embargo Arousing Doubts
The Sixth Plenary Session of Communist Party (CCP)
Congress has just wound down. News about Guangdong』s
official instruction, orders to suspend the press embargo
and encourage watchdog journalism.
This seemingly runs counter to the CCP』s usual practice of
controlling the media.
Why did Wang Yang, Guangdong CCP Secretary,
dare to issue such an instruction?
What background lies behind his actions?
This has aroused great speculation.
Voice of Germany reported that last week, Wang Yang
instructed Guangdong's media to report public opinions.
On 18th October, a media professional revealed "internal
information" on his microblog, saying that Propaganda
Department of Guangdong CCP Committee
recently suspended any instruction to ban or
restrict media reporting.
However, this seemingly encouraging news arouses
doubts of local media professionals. One of them wrote
in his microblog, "this was originally a good thing but has led
to suspicions. Mistrust permeates through everyone』s heart."
A Guangzhou media professional said on his microblog,
“The first reaction to such a thing is always like this:
what on earth is their purpose?
What is the political conspiracy behind this?”
Guangzhou-based writer, Ye Du, told NTD that,
all the indications show this rumor to be true.
It has a positive side, but there are still some contents
that cannot be reported.
Ye Du: " (The aspects cannot be touched) include CCP』s
ruling position, the root cause of corruption
is absolute among others. On these aspects,
the CCP have clear instructions. That is to say:
currently, the release of the press embargo
has relatively large restrictions.”
Zhang Zhi』an, an associate professor of journalism at
Sun Yat-sen Univ. in Guangzhou, wrote on his microblog
that at first sight, he felt happy, but after careful thinking,
he felt depressed again.
Guangzhou media professional, Ye Huo, expresses that
Zhang Zhi』an』s thought has been understood.
Ye Huo: " Wang Yang』s many speeches are inspiring,
for he allowed the existence of democratic voices.
But in reality, it is not ideal for implementing.
There still lies some distance to his commitment.
This is also understandable. He is among the members
of the top-level interests group. It is hard to have everything
completely resolved in one blow. There are conservative
forces around him, so he must keep the balance. "
Recently, as the 18th CCP Congress approaches, the power
struggle between Wang Yang and Bo Xilai, Chongqing
CCP Secretary, heated up. Back from Wang』s polar opposite
interpretation of Bo』s “cake” theory, to the competition
between "Guangdong Model" and "Chongqing Model".
This time, Wang Yang』s action was also questioned
by the public that this is his expedient method aiming to
gain political power.
Ye Huo analyzed that Wang Yang did not make the
order on a whim.
The action must have gained permission from the
CCP top-level. Ye Huo estimates that Wang Yang』s
confidence was supported by the CCP top-level
led by Hu Jintao.
Wang Yang comes from Anhui province. Hu Jintao,
Li Keqiang and Wang Yang are labeled Anhui Gangs,
the kernel of the Youth League faction in the CCP』s
top-level leadership.
Both Li Keqiang and Wang Yang are Hu Jintao』s preferred
candidates for CCP』s fifth generation of leaders.
Zhang Weiguo, political and legal editor of
World Economic Herald, comments that all along,
Hu Jintao has been intentionally supporting Wang Yang.
Zhang Weiguo: "Over the past few years, Wang Yang』s
official achievement is not ideal. In the field of public
opinion, opening-up or the economic development or
the economic system reform, Wang Yang has not
obtained more special achievements than previous
Guangdong CCP top leaders.
However, Hu and Wen, in particular Hu Jintao,
always support Guangdong with more benefits,
on every thing at every time. ”
This August, Hu Jintao attended the opening ceremony
of Shenzhen Universiade. Afterwards, he went to
Guangzhou visiting the local famous pedestrian street,
Beijing Road. Hu's trip to Guangdong was considered to
give support to Wang, a build-up for Wang』s stepping up
to a new height.
In contrast, the Chongqing Model promoted by Bo Xilai,
was criticized to take the Cultural Revolution route,
reversing history. Sources said that many CCP top-level
members expressed disgust with Bo』s action.
Zhang Weiguo: "Chongqing follows its own path.
But Guangdong has always been highly expected to be
a special area for the political system of reform.
The expectation comes from both inside and outside
the CCP. If Wang Yang』s move is implemented
this time, it would be real political reform. So this point,
next year, that is before the 18th CCP congress,
can be well tested by the public.”
Zhang Weiguo comments that even if the news of releasing
the press embargo is true, whether the practice can be
accepted by Beijing and other provinces is still questionable.
What』s more, this runs counter to the just-concluded CCP
Sixth Plenary Session, which proposed to strengthen
control with the "cultural reform".
Zhang Weiguo believes that Wang Yang is
taking quite a big risk. Once the action is successful,
it will be a breakthrough in political system reform.
Zhang Weiguo also points out that the concept of
freedom of media in mainland China,
is completely different from that of overseas community.
Zhang Weiguo: "Their context is not the same as ours.
Our understanding of the freedoms of media and
media openness, are totally different from their concepts.
So I hope that the overseas peers are careful on this."
Zhang Weiguo said that Wang Yang』s practice needs
more time to observe. Because the press ban and
ban on political parties are restricted areas of the CCP,
and also its “last fig leaf”.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Jing and Sun Ning



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