

Green Car Race Electrifies British Students


By Daniel Chen, David Lee


1. Electrify [ɪˋlɛktrə͵faɪ] v. 使充電;使激動

2. Endurance [ɪnˋdjʊrəns] n. 耐久

3. Identical [aɪˋdɛntɪk!] adj. 同一的

4. Quarantine [ˋkwɔrən͵tin] n. 隔離

5. Pit [pɪt] n. (賽車中途的)維修站

6. Lap [læp] n. 圈數

7. Springboard [ˋsprɪŋ͵bord] v. 成為跳板

8. Aerodynamics [͵ɛrodaɪˋnæmɪks] n. 空氣動力學

9. Aptly [ˋæptlɪ] adv. 適切地

Designed, built and raced by teenagers.


This is the Greenpower Education Trust's annual endurance race - a four hour test of engineering and teamwork - with all the cars using identical batteries and electric motors, says Greenpower's Emma Tyler.

綠色能源的艾瑪泰勒表示,這是綠色能源教育信託基金的年度耐久賽 – 一項四小時的工程技術和團隊合作測驗。所有車子都使用相同的電池和電子馬達。

[Emma Tyler, Greenpower Education Trust]:

"They have two batteries on the car, they have four batteries in quarantine -- they can swap them over in a series of pit stops. So they've also got to work out their pit strategy and their team work as well as all the engineering."


Teams must have six drivers and six pit staff and cars must have a maximum speed of 25mph (40kmh) - the test is how many laps can you complete within the timescale.

團隊必需要有六名駕駛和六名維修站工作人員,而且車子必須有每小時25英里的最高速度(每小時40公里)– 測驗你能在時間表內完成多少圈。

80 teams from around the country won a place at the Goodwood race track final - racing creations made from wood to aluminium - inspiring the next generation of British engineers and their parents, according to Tom Bollard from the Malting School in Essex.

據雅息士郡麥町學校的湯姆波蘭德表示,來自全國各地的80組隊,最後贏得了古德伍德賽道的席位 – 從木製到鋁製的賽車創作 – 激勵了下一世代的英國工程師和他們的家長。

[Tom Bolland, Maltings Academy]:

"We started off two years ago with a kit car which we purchased through Greenpower, that allowed us to springboard into a competitive region so that we could teach the students about aerodynamics, about physics about the general design principle behind creating a race car."


This year's race was won by Chipping Sodbury School's Rotary Racer - aptly numbered No 1.

啟平沙伯瑞學校的旋轉賽車贏得了今年的比賽 – 很巧妙地,它的編號是1。



本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw


We could teach the students about aerodynamics, about physics about the general design principle behind creating a race car.



We started off two years ago. 我們從兩年前開始




