【新唐人2011年10月30日訊】 【看新聞學英語】
China's Economic Growth Slows
1. expansion: n. [ɪkˋspænʃən]擴展
2. shrink: v. [ʃrɪŋk] 縮短、收縮
3. exposed: adj [ɪkˋspozd] 易受攻擊的
4. expect: v. [ɪkˋspɛkt]預料
5. drive: v. [draɪv]迫使、逼迫
6. woe: n. [wo]困難、災難
7. monetary: adj. [ˋmʌnə͵tɛrɪ]財政的、金融的、貨幣的
8. restriction: n. [rɪˋstrɪkʃən]限制
9. sound: adj. [saʊnd]健全的
10. momentum: n. [moˋmɛntəm]動能、動力
11. macroeconomic: adj. [͵maɪkrə͵ikəˋnɑmɪks]宏觀經濟
12. relatively: adv. [ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ] 相對地, 比較而言; 相當
Falling exports slowed China’s economic expansion in the third quarter to its weakest pace since 2008, with the European debt crisis affecting the world’s second biggest economy.
The gross domestic product rose 9.1 percent from a year earlier—that’s down from 9.5 percent the previous quarter.
The news follows trade data last week that showed exports to Europe shrank by half in August.
Analysts said it could mean China is more exposed than expected to a global slowdown driven by the US economy and Europe’s debt woes.
But Chinese authorities are not likely to ease monetary policy restrictions anytime soon. They insist the economy is sound.
[Sheng Laiyun, National Bureau of Statistics Spokesman]:
“Looking at the momentum of economic growth, in the next phase, the possibility of China's macroeconomic situation maintaining stable and relatively fast development is relatively great.”
China’s economic growth remains heavily weighted towards fixed asset investment, with an annual growth of 24.9 percent. Real estate investment slowed but remains at a pace of 25 percent.
The statistics also showed imports grew faster than exports, with a 17 percent increase in domestic sales, particularly luxury cars and luxury goods.
統計也顯示,進口比出口成長更快,國內銷售成長 17%,尤其是豪華車和奢侈品。
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
Analysts said it could mean China is more exposed than expected to a global slowdown driven by the US economy and Europe’s debt woes.
Real estate investment slowed but remains at a pace of 25 percent.
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