雜誌總編輯施滕格爾(Richard Stengel)說:「抗議浪潮蔓延全球各地,這些人甘冒生命危險……我認為,他們把世界改變得更好。這些人正在改變歷史,而且也必將改寫未來的歷史。」
《時代》週刊今年網選的「風雲五強」中,指揮擒殺拉登的美軍海豹特種部隊指揮官麥克雷文(William McRaven)名列第2。被秘密囚禁81天、引發國際關注的艾未未排第3。在美國府會減赤鬥爭中嶄露頭角的共和黨新星賴恩(Paul Ryan),與4月嫁入英國王室的凱特(Kate Middleton)分列4、5。
Ai Weiwei Is Ranked 3rd in Time Magazine Person of the Year Selection
The American magazine, Time, recently announced
“The Protester” from all over the world to be its Person of the Year for 2011,
because they have changed the world by street protests in the
past year and redefined “the people's power.”
The famous Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei is also
included in the candidate list, coming in as one of the four runner-ups in the selection.
The American magazine Time revealed on Dec 14th that the
2011 Person of the Year goes to “The Protester,”
who represents global protesters,
from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street.
The published commentary said that those people have
stood up to change the world with great courage, and many of them even risking their lives.
The managing editor of Time, Richard Stengel, said that the
wave of protests has spread all over the world, and many of them might take lives of participants.
Stengel believes that those protesters are pushing the world
to be a better one;
they are changing history now and they will definitely change
history in the future.
Time's commentary said that the Arab Spring from North Africa
to the Middle East has spurred an unprecedented wave of protests from ordinary people at the global level.
Such spontaneous power has spurred anti-drug protests in Mexico,
the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York, strikes against austerity measures in Greece,
an anti-corruption movement in India and the most recent mass
protests in Russia against Putin and electoral fraud.
Time's article wrote that most of the protesters in 2011 share
the same opinion that
their political and economic regime is corrupt and
malfunctioning as a fake democracy which only helps the rich.
Internet has become the main communication tool
among protesters.
Person of the Year 2011 also selected four persons
as the runner-ups.
William McRaven, the commander of Navy SEAL's raid that
killed Osama bin Laden, ranked 2nd.
Ai Weiwei, who was put into an 81-day detention by the CCP
and has drawn wide-ranging international attention, came in third.
The House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, who stood up
during the US Congress' gridlock about budget cutting, ranked fourth.
Kate Middleton, who married into the royal family of the United
Kingdom, was named the fifth.
Zhao Lianhai, the Father of China's kidney stone babies, said
that it's a just popular choice for Ai Weiwei to be a runner-up in the Person of the Year selection.
(Zhao Lianhai):”I think this result is just a popular choice,
because he has been widely recognized as a model figure.
In our heart we expect Ai Weiwei will insist to this behavior
in the future,
such as calling more attention to Chinese people and
their stories of unfair treatment.”
Ai Weiwei's mother, Gao Ying, said that Time's selection on
Ai Weiwei is nothing strange to her.
Gao Ying:”Now the world has become more open with
the coming of the information age.
The speed of information sharing and communication is very fast.
Any news spreads to the whole world in a short period of time.
It's the same for any person, too; no matter if what you are doing
is good or bad, upright or dishonest.”
Ai Weiwei said that the internet has changed politics in China
because the CCP can no longer dominate public opinion.
In April 2011, Ai Weiwei was arrested at the Beijing Airport
for tax evasion. He fell silent after being released on bail in June.
He later told the media that the CCP government tried to silence
him with intimidation.
He was told that even the pre-chairman of China, Liu Shaoqi,
could not be protected by the constitution, which holds true today. He was also threatened with defamation.
In November, Beijing Taxation Bureau demanded Ai Weiwei
pay back taxes and fines on his company, which totals as much as 15 million Yuan.
Following that, Ai Weiwei collected 8 million Yuan in loans
from more than 30,000 netizens in one week.
On Oct 13th, the British magazine Art Review announced
its annual power 100 in 2011.
Ai Weiwei was named the most powerful person in the art world.
On Nov 28th, Ai Weiwei was again ranked 18th by the American
magazine Foreign Policy on its list of Top 100 Global Thinkers.
NTD reporters Li Yun and Sun Ning

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