Bo Xilai Touts Democracy and Rule of Law
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Municipal Committee
in Chongqing will hold next week its plenary session.
It claims that the theme of the session will be
"strengthening the building of democracy and rule of law".
Chongqing CCP Secretary Bo Xilai is a persistent advocator
of singing red songs and anti-mafia crackdown,
However, suddenly he started talking in a high-profile
about democracy and rule of law, raising public' suspicion.
Experts think this is Bo's new package with an aim to get
CCP' top-level trust and leap into its Standing Committee.
Since 2007, when Bo Xilai came into power in Chongqing,
Bo,touts “singing red songs and cracking down on mafias”.
His campaign enabled the red-song singing,
once prevailing in China, to seemingly come back.
Bo has thus tried to incite a nationwide public criticism.
Chongqing's anti-mafia campain exposed judicial darkness.
Among them, Li Zhuang's case provoked particular uproars,
leaving serious doubts on the rule of law in Chongqing City.
Now CCP's 18th Congress is near. Why does Bo suddenly
veer off to the so-called "democracy and rule of law"?
President of China Interim Government,
Wu Fan analyzes the possible reasons.
Bo has become aware that if he does not change his tout,
he won't have a chance to enter CCP's Standing Committee.
Wu Fan: "If he does not make a turn,
he won't be able to advance in his political career.
In current China nobody, especially the populace, is willing
to accept Mao Zedong Thought and the stuff of the like.
So if you attempt to go that way, it would mess up China,
and that would get things out of CCP's hands.
So in term of going the path of Maoism, Cultural Revolution,
or singing red songs and hammering mafias,
the CCP now realizes this is a dangerous road to take."
Wu Fan points out, CCP' tout of "democracy and rule of law"
is merely a show to fool the populace.
Wu Fan: "In my view, I think its road of democracy
and rule of law is just a show business.
Its real purpose is to maintain the stability of its ruling.
Can it give the people democracy? No.
Does the CCP implement rule of law that it stipulates? No."
The notorious Li Zhuang Case occurred during the period
of Chongqing's official hammering of the mafia.
The case was viewed as a judicial injustice created by Bo,
to force the singing red songs and anti-mafia campaign.
Beijing lawyer Li Zhuang was invited to act as defense lawyer
for the defendant of Chongqing's first anti-mafia case in 2009.
However, Li was accused of abetting to fabricate confessions.
The case was full of loopholes, yet Li Zhuang was
still sentenced to one-and-a-half year imprisonment.
Chief Editor of Beijing Spring magazine, Hu Ping, thinks,
with this Bo tries to get rid of general criticism about his instructions for administrative intervention to the judiciary.
Hu Ping: "He certainly diverted from defense to attack,
as he has been severely criticized by various sectors.
One of them was Li Zhuang, who recently said he will appeal,
so obviously more inside stories will be disclosed, I'm afraid.”
As CCP's 18th Congress nears, CCP officials successively
make stage appearances as to enter CCP's power center.
This month Bo Xilai signed a strategic cooperation agreement
with his political rival Wang Yang, Guangdong CCP Secretary.
Both sides claimed to be "a pleasant cooperation."
Analysts think this is a new tendency in CCP' internal fighting.
Wu Fan: "This is a measure taken by the CCP
to prevent the whole boat from sinking.
If both sides are fighting with each other,
the boat will sink sooner.
So under the premise of saving the boat,
both sides seem to be reaching a compromise.
They benefit personally from it too in securing their interests,
as with CCP's boat sinking they will all lose their power."
Wu Fan points out that Wang Yang
has an edge over Bo Xilai inside the CCP.
Thus Bo is changing his signboard with the idea of leaping
into CCP's Politburo Standing Committee at its 18th Congress.
NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Tang Rui and Xiao Yu

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