Experts Suggest theForming of Unions to Help Migrant Workers
With the year-end approaching, what the working-class fears
most is unpaid salary and hence no money for the New Year.
However, in China incidents of migrant workers
not getting paid happens frequently.
A netizen with the screen name of "Asking Coldly for Payment”
was beaten for asking for his salary.
He was furious and published his experience and his feelings
on a microblog, causing a wide response among netizens.
He is known as the "first person to ask for payment online."
Every year around the Chinese New Year, many incidents happen
such as businesses closing down and owners going missing.
Liu Zhongfan, with the screen name of
"Asking Coldly for Payment” published a poem on micro blog:
“Migrant workers suffer, migrant workers are tired;
They have to leave home to earn money…
A salary was not paid, but but instead a nose bone was broken;
Officials do not care and nobody helps…
The appetite is lost and the tears have gone dry.
It is so difficult for migrant workers to get paid!”
The poem expresses the feelings of most migrant workers.
His article was republished on many sites.
Liu Zhongfan was an ordinary plasterer at Yingzhongying
Decorative Design and Engineering Company in Dianjiang County, Chongqing City.
His salary of over 10,000 RMB has not been paid
since March, 2011.
He was beaten by the general manager of the company
when he asked for payment.
With the help of his son-in-law Chen Jiajing, Liu Zhongfan he
started to publish his story and express his feelings on a micro blog.
Incidents such as migrant workers being beaten when
asking for payment happen frequently in China.
Director of Institute of Contemporary Observation in Shenzhen
Liu Kaiming expressed the view that,
if the local government does not have a mechanism to ensure
payment of wages, workers』 effort to ask for payment will be in vain.
It is even more difficult for construction workers to ask for the
unpaid portion of the payment.
Migrant workers being beaten is a reflection
the poor legal environment in China.
Liu Kaming says: “A while ago some workers went to the
government's stability maintenance centers,
but they were chased and beaten by those employed
by their bosses. The overall legal environment is very bad.
The whole of society lacks a law-abiding environment.
There is no legal order. Thus there are many incidents like this.”
Human rights lawyer Tang Jitian expressed the view that
businesses should legally protect employees』 benefits
along with the development of businesses,
for a win-win situation.
To get the largest benefit by committing crimes damages
the relationship between businesses and employees.
Tang Jitian: “Looking from a deeper level, this actually
undermines the entire social stability.
It is obvious that it threatens the normal social order.
Of course employees try their best to maintain their interest
legally, by seeking help from society or
hoping business owners are looking ahead and not wanting
to sacrifice the interests of employees by getting the largest benefits in an extreme way.”
In a country of rule by law, it is unlikely for incidents
such as business owners going missing to happen.
However, it has happened in China for years.
Workers are not protected.
Liu Kaiming suggested that workers should not blindly
rely on the government to solve their problems.
They should organize independent unions that can
take the responsibility to protect workers』 interests.
NTD reporters Dai Jing, Li Ting and Li Ruolin

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