現年42歲的陳衛長期從事民主運動,1989年,他參與「六四民主運動」,被關進監獄。 1994年,他又因為組織「中國自民黨」被當局以「反革命宣傳煽動罪」判刑5年。
CCP Cracks Down on Dissidents at Christmas
As Christmas approached, Christmas sales increased in stores across China.
While in contrast, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)regime suppressed Christmas celebrations and dissidents. Analysts say that the CCP regime chooses this moment, a holiday for foreign media outlets, to implement its crackdown. The reason behind this is to avoid international society's
concern and condemnation over China』s human rights.
About one week ago, China's renowned human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, was put back in jail by the CCP authorities. On December 23, another dissident, Chen Wei, was sentenced to nine years in jail by the CCP's Sichuan Suining Intermediate Court, on a charge of "inciting subversion of state power".
Chen's sentence term was one of the most severe in convictions for criminalization of speech during the last few years.
Volunteer at China Tianwang Human Rights Service, Pu Fei says: "It's a usual practice for the CCP regime to convict dissidents around Christmas, as many foreign media reporters in China have taken holidays. It chose this moment because it aimed at avoiding or diluting the international community's attention over China's human rights issues."
President of China Aid Association in the U.S., Bob Fu, tells NTDTV that in the last year, China's human rights, rule of law and religious freedom have all dropped to the bottom. Fu says, the CCP takes the timing of Christmas to persecute Chinese people as an act of desecrating the festival.
Bob Fu says: " Christmas is a symbol of peace, reconciliation, love and unity,
but at this moment, the festival was utilized by the CCP to implement it's inhumane persecutions. "
42-year-old Chen Wei has engaged in activities for China's democracy for long time. Chen was put into jail on participating in the June 4th event in 1989.
He was again sentenced to prison in 1994, charged with the crime of instigating counter-revolutionary activity”.
This February, the local authorities arrested Chen Wei and lots of other dissidents. Chen was accused of publishing articles online that produced
“troublesome” influences. During the trial on December 23, Chen Wei and his defense counsel were repeatedly interrupted in their defense. The judge even refused to allow Chen Wei to make closing statements. After the verdict was announced, Chen Wei shouted:"Tyranny has certainly failed!", "I am innocent!"
Volunteer at China Tianwang Human Rights Service, Pu Fei says:"At any time and any place, a citizen living in a modern country shouldn't be persecuted for his speech or his personal discontentment with the existing political system. So, if any citizen suffers due to his speech, his personal political views or even his belief, this kind of persecution is a sign of the anti-humane, anti-society history of this country."
China Aid Association reveals that China's unofficial “house churches” were recently suppressed by the CCP regime. On December 23,local police of Dazhu county in Sichuan Province arrested five fellow members during their Christmas celebrations. Christmas gatherings were also banned in Dongyang county, Zhenjiang. Some local fellow members were brutally beaten and arrested.
As the Voice of Germany pointed out, the CCP regime represses dissent severely, but yielded at the Wukan protest. It looks in apparent contrast, but is in fact CCP's usual "carrot and stick" approach for its stability maintenance. For those localized mass protests, the regime firstly tries to silence the voice.
If it fails, the CCP at top-level will lay the blame on local authorities, using the opportunity to cheat public feeling. As Chen Wei denies CCP's whole institution, the regime severely punished him to prevent the occurrence of a nationwide opposition movement.
Pu Fei analysis says that it is too early to believe the CCP's concession
to the Wukan villagers, for the CCP's actions never make sense. If the official verbal promise cannot be put into practice, the Wukan village event will soon intensify .
NTD reporters: Yi Ru, Li Qian and Zhou Xiyi

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