Great-Leap-Forward-like Construction Admits China Ministry of Railways
China's railway Minister Sheng Guangzu admitted problems
in railway construction.
Caused from blindly enlarging projects in scale, and
recklessly shortening project schedules.
Sheng claimed eradication of accidents in passenger trains is
the most important goal in 2012.
Scholars question, that although China's Ministry of Railways
claims “safety first”, it has never been realized.
Sheng has to reduce financial investment due to no funds,
creating a scenario reminiscent of the Great-Leap-Forward.
Sheng Guangzu's speech in a recent conference claims the
Ministry of Railways will invest 500 billion Yuan in 2012.
This will include 400 billion Yuan into infrastructure.
Sheng also states a total investment of 830 Billion Yuan,
including 469 Billion in 2011, and 710 Billion in 2010.
Data comparison, however, shows a reduction of investment
in 2011 by the Ministry of Railway.
This trend is expected to continue into next year.
Wei Jingze, an Associate Professor of Economics highlighted
a boom in high-speed rail projects in the past two years.
Many went into operation without funding, a fact not known
by the public until the bullet train accident in Wenzhou City.
Wei Jingze:”The Ministry of Railways has been forced to have
next year's bonds issued this year, but it won't help much.
Many projects have to be suspended, and it's clear to see there
is not enough funding for new projects.
Sheng himself admitted this, suggesting rash decisions have
been made in many projects, including high-speed rail.
What we can see is that, Ministry of Railway leaders were
pushing high-speed rail projects.
This is so they can benefit through corruption.”
Xie Tian, University of South Carolina Economics Professor,
said the whole situation is related to CCP economic strategies.
It tries to push the economy forward through large-scale
infrastructure to get an attractive GDP growth value.
(Xie Tian):”From the beginning, this high-speed rail project
has never been carefully planned.
Financial considerations are just as in the Great Leap Forward.”
Report revealed 200 billion Yuan are needed to restart
suspended railway projects.
Deficits total 800 Billion, including 300 billion investment
left in 2011, and 340 billion Yuan of various debts and costs.
It is clear there is still a large hole in funding, even before
investments are reduced to 400 billion Yuan in 2012.
Sheng Guangzu claimed that the most important ministerial
goal in 2012 is eradicating fatal accidents in passenger trains.
Wei Jingze:”There is nothing really new in this announcement.
The Ministry of Railways has been saying this all the time.
But the idea of “safety first” has never been realized, a typical
characteristics of the CCP's “slogan management”.
CCP management is carried out by movements or slogans
rather than strict regulations, well-maintained equipment and well-trained staff.”
Xie Tian believes that Ministry of Railway leaders only care
about making money, seeking political advantage.
This is to increase the value of GDP growth.
Xie tian: “Japanese experts stated a long time ago about time
restrictions in designing bullet trains or high-speed rail.
If you exceed those limts, even the Japanese cannot guarantee
operational safety, despite their advanced level of technology.
CCP ignored all warnings, carelessly chasing higher speeds,
or making world records, risking Chinese civilian lives.”
According to 'China Economic Net' reports, party leaders and
government officials from many provinces travelled to Beijing.
This was done secretly before the National Railway Work
Conference, visiting Sheng Guangzu and other officials.
The meetings were to ensure local projects aren't cut in 2012,
due to investment reduction.
Reports cited words from an expert that construction of many
railway lines resulted from political battles for benefits.
These battles are expected to become more intensive under
funding shortages in 2012.
NTD reporter Lin Li, Li Mingfei and Wang Mingyu


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