Writer Han Han Talks about Revolution and Democracy
Influential Chinese writer Han Han, born in 1980s, recently
published two blog articles about revolution and democracy.
The articles sparked heated discussions and debates
among netizens and the intellectuals.
The majority of scholars say that Han Han misunderstands
or partially understands revolution, freedom and democracy.
Han’s articles reflect some intellectuals’ frustrations and
confusions about the future.
These frustrations and confusions come from the suppression
caused by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s ruling.
Renewed outspoken Chinese writer, Han Han, published an
article on December 23rd, entitled "Talking About Revolution".
The article is written in response to the questions asked by
Chinese media and his fans.
The questions cover rights-defense activities. Reforms and
revolutions that happened at home and abroad.
The next day, Han published another article called
"Talking About Democracy".
The article, Talking About Revolution firstly proposed a
most controversial question:
"As to China's recent frequent mass conflicts, do you think
China needs a revolution?"
Han replied: "In the countries with the most complicated
social composition, especially the Eastern countries,
the final revolutionary winners will definitely be those who
are heartless and cruel.
Frankly, the term of revolution sounds very refreshing and
inspiring, even seemingly getting immediate effect.
But for China, revolution may not be a good choice. "
Beijing-based cultural critic, Ye Kuang says that Han’s article
represents views of some Chinese modern intellectuals.
It covers issues such as the 1911 Revolution, Sun Yat-sen
and the reflection on the CCP’s violent revolutions.
Yeh Kuang says" Back in its early years, the CCP waged
distorted revolutions making Chinese intellectuals afraid.
So many intellectuals reject all forms of revolution, believing
the revolution uses one autocratic power to replace others.
This is not the true concept of revolution."
Han Han’s article says no matter how good initial slogans of
the revolutions sounded in the end, they’ll became just one word, money.
To put it mildly, it means giving us the money back that
should be ours.
In harsh words, a predatory equal division of wealth is right.
The Chinese believes there is a final trial and punishment,
so such a mindset also inevitably incurs repression.
Editor of Resonance magazine, Peng Xiaoyun, says Han’s
understanding is too superficial.
Peng states the meaning of revolution involves many levels;
The social, value and, technological revolutions;
Even political revolution may not necessarily mean a disaster.
The revolution should not be taken for granted as violence.
Ye Kuangzheng points out that apparently, the revolution
can create freedom, but also may bring slavery.
All forms of revolutions have defects.
Whether the revolution succeeds depends on whether it
really expands people's political freedom space.
Ye Kuangzheng: "In fact, the real revolution refers to whether
it can create or expand people's political freedom.
What Han Han worries may be that kind of revolution. That is,
it will evolve into a suppression of one group over the other.
It may not be the one that achieves freedom for all. "
In his article, Han Han says that the revolution does not
guarantee a democracy in the current China.
China is least likely to break out revolution but is the nation
that has most urgent needs to implement reforms.
Han comments that for the Chinese, the consequences of
democracy often come with no freedom.
Zhou Bin, Finance column director at 21st Century Economic
Report says that Han Han’s articles are not clear
on the concepts of revolution, freedom and democracy. In
Zhou’s words, "it is quite regrettable."
Han’s article says, "If you insist on asking me when a good
time is for a revolution in China, I only say this:
When vehicles meet oncoming ones at night and all drivers
turn off the high beams, then you can initiate the revolution.”
He Sanwei, Editorial writer at Southern People Weekly points
out Han Han’s limitations,:
He says "By feeling both sorrow and angry with Chinese people
this young man has integrated the authoritarian ruling theories.
Hitler’s murdering Jews, Yuan Shikai’s restoring monarchy
and the legitimacy of post-totalitarian ruling,
All based on the national character Han feels angry with."
Han Han's article attracted millions of netizens’ hits saying his
argument is looking at flower in fog, singing the same old tune.
Some even believe the article is written by CCP’s 50-cents
One thinks that Han uses irony to comment on
CCP’s suppression on mass protests.
Another says Han’s article promotes revolution in a way
that avoids it ending.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu


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