由於中國釀酒 以高粱、小麥等谷糧為原料,在國民黨執政時,1937年,貴州省政府曾頒佈「違背釀酒處罰規則」,禁止在天災缺糧時期用糧食煮酒、熬糖、米漿刮布。但中共卻在三年飢荒期間以上萬噸的谷糧釀茅臺酒。
Maotai- CCP’s Bribery Wine
Maotai, is originally ‘national wine’ for the middle class,
but is now RMB 2,000 a bottle,
and will enter the top 100 luxury goods list globally,
and no longer for general public consumption.
Some experts pointed out that this is the price propped up
by corrupted officials.
Moutai, French cognac and Scottish whiskey are recognized
as the world three famous distilled liquors.
Maotai is a ‘national drink’ as a symbol of wine-making
technology in China.
But recently, the price of Maotai has been rising continuously.
An bottle of ordinary 53 degrees Feitian Maotai, was about
RMB 500 three years ago, but is about RMB 2,000 currently.
An article Who is the driving force behind the soaring prices of
Maotai, is published on mainland China media.
The author Liao Xiaoli said Maitai is not simply a wine,
and its price is often not simply decided by supply and demand in the market.
It is officially a ‘social wine’, ‘business wine’, and a status symbol.
As long as the official 'Maotai wind’ does not stop, it will still
be in short supply no matter how high the price is.
Sales staff in wine stores of Beijing said, high-end liquor buyers
are mainly from authorities and state-owned enterprises.
They are not sensitive to the price of liquor,
and will buy them at any price.
Professor Wang Ning, in the Department of Sociology of
Zhongshan University, a consumer sociology expert,
pointed out that, Maotai is a symbol of corruption.
Ning: “Maotai should be called corruption brand.
Buyers are mainly using public funds.
Or I have to bribe officials; I use private money to buy them,
but I can get benefits from the officials.
Now the price is about RMB 2,000 a bottle.
It is a traditional brand.
When in short supply, its price is high, and ordinary people
can not afford it, and so it becomes a luxury.
It is not following the development of the normal luxury products,
but closely related to our financial system and public funds spending.
It is a luxury brand which is closely related to the soil of corruption."
As the Chinese wine use sorghum, wheat and other grains as
raw materials,
during the KMT period, in 1937, Guizhou provincial
government issued Punishment against the Wine Rules,
prohibiting the use of food to cook wine, boil sugar or scrape
cloth with rice slurry in natural disasters and food shortages.
However, the Chinese Communist Party used millions of tons of
grain to brew Maotai during the great famine.
In an article Maotai is the Emperor on micro logging,
the author Shi Fei pointed out that
when 30 million people starved to death in the mainland's
three-year famine, that is 1959 to 1961, the total output of Maotai was 2,079 tons.
The actual use of sorghum and wheat in state-owned
Maotai plant was in total of 11,300 tons.
He said that the million tons of Maitai "is pulled out
from the mouth of the people, and in exchange for tens of thousands of lives!"
Today, a bottle of 1959 "Five Star" Maitai is put on auction
for RMB 1.034 million.
Shi Fei wrote: "There is an old saying,
Maotai is to extract spirit of sorghum and soul of wheat.
As everyone knows, in those three years, Maotai extracted
the spirits of people and souls of the dead ones."
Wang Ning believes that Maotai changed from
national wine to bribery wine,
it reflects China's basic problem,
which is one-party dictatorship and corruption.
Ning: "China's biggest problem is the basis of the system.
The basic system is that the democratization of public finance,
and public finance transparency. Basic system does not reform, so it is useless.
Therefore, if the CCP won’t go through democratization or
public finances transparency, this thing is impossible to overcome."
Literati Sima Guang in Northern Song Dynasty said:
"It is easy to go from the thrift into luxury, but difficult to go from luxury into frugal".
It is not difficult for Maotai to get into the Global 100 list of
luxury goods list.
But it perhaps is difficult for the extravagant Chinese officials
to become honest and frugal servants of the people.
Wang Ning said that in the non-transparent public
Finances situation,
it is impossible to curb the public funds spending,
and Maotai prices will continue to raise up.
NTD reporters Wu Wei and Zhou Tian


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