「首爾國立大學」和平統一研究所高級研究員張永碩(Chang Yong-seok)說,朝鮮有一套行之有效的檢查和平衡系統,試圖奪權無異於自殺。
在朝鮮權力過渡敏感時期, 韓國和中國27號在首爾舉行了第四次韓中戰略對話,雙方在會談中一致表示不要刺激朝鮮,朝鮮半島的和平與穩定符合雙方的利益。
Kim Jong-un Full Powered v.s. Three Parties' Talks
North Korea's official media alleges, the late Kim Jong Il's
son, Kim Jong-un, has been invested with full authority.
Media calls Kim Jong-un the army's "supreme commander".
Kim Jong-un recently met with a team led by South Korea's
former first lady and the chairwoman of Hyundai Group,
who offered their condolences on Kim Jong Il's death.
Meanwhile, in the South Korea -China strategic dialogue
and in the talks between Japan's prime minister and the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) President, all parties seemed willing
to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
On December 26, 2 mourning groups led by South Korea's
former first lady, Lee Hee-Ho, and Hyundai Group's
chairwoman, Hyun Jung-eun, visited Pyongyang,
paying their condolences on the death of Kim Jong Il.
The group received greetings from Kim Jong-un and the
Kim familiy members; meeting for the first time.
Lee Hee-Ho's late husband, former South Korean President,
Kim Dae-jung, formed the Sunshine Policy to North Korea.
Hyun Jung-eun's late husband, Chung Mong-Hun, provided
funds to support the first inter-Korean summit held in 2002,
the developments of Kaesong Industrial Park and
tourist attractions in North Korea's Mount Kumgang.
North Korea's Korean Central News Agency said Jong-un
showed "deep gratitude" towards the South Korean groups.
According to South Korea's Chosun Ilbo, North Korea had
expressed the highest courtesy to South Korean delegations.
Lee Hee-Ho expressed his wishes for national unity,
hoping the visit will help promote North-South relations.
Seoul's Korea University professor, Kim Sung-han, says,
North-South relations may return to the Sunshine Policy era, according to Kim Jong-un.
Korea Joongang Daily reports that, after Kim Jong Il's death,
North Korean media emphasized economic reconstruction,
showing sharp contrast in its tone from the time of
Kim Il Sung's death 17 years ago.
The Voice of Germany says, the hereditary transition
of power within the Kim family looks increasingly secured.
December 24—Korean Workers Party's Labor News called
Jong-un the army's "supreme commander", for the first time,
On December 26, the newspaper first used the term,
"the Party Central Committee headed by Kim Jong-un",
saying that, from the following day of Kim Jong-il's death,
Jong-un had been in charge of the whole show.
The Wall Street Journal states, that North Korea's
official media suggested a smooth transition of power.
Exclusive news released by Reuters says
the military supported Kim Jong-un's succession.
Senior research rellow at Seoul National University,
Chang Yong-seok, says North Korea has a well-established
system for checks and achieving balance,
and any attempt to seize power amounts to suicide.
Fujimoto says Kim Jong Il had never view his eldest son,
Kim Jong-nam, as a candidate for succession.
Kim Jong-nam was never invited for formal banquets
and was not mentioned at top military official gatherings.
[Kenji Fujimoto]: "Jong-un is concerned for the livelihood of
North Koreans. He will take a path of Chinese-style reform.”
When 17 years old, Jong-un said, "Every day we play on the
motorboat or ride horses, what are ordinary people doing?
Europe and Japan have enough food and commodities;
North Korea has nothing. Can we learn from China's policy?"
Hong Kong Open magazine executive editor, Tsai Yung-mei,
says Jong-un's internal affairs and foreign policies will be gradually adjusted.
Tsai Yung-mei: "I think when the new regime takes power,
they will adjust former policies, just like in Burma.
They might ease the domestic policy, especially after
the death of a tough leader.”
“I guess they will adjust foreign affairs policies, because
diplomatic ties under Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il became very nervous and tense, touch and go.”
I think the new leaders will take some easing steps, not being
too leaning towards China,
and will hold some détente talks with the West and Korea."
December 27—during North Korea's sensitive power shift,
the fourth South Korea-China strategic dialogue was held.
In Seoul, both sides agreed not to stir up North Korea, since
the Peninsula's peace and stability was in their interest.
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda held talks with
the CCP Chairman,Hu Jintao on December 26.
The meeting focused on North Korea; both parties reiterated
to peacefully make North Korea return to the Six-Party Talks.
And the peace, stability and denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula are in the common interest of all parties.
NTD reporters Lin Xiuyi, Li Yuanhan and Zhou Tian


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