Propaganda Shields "Mengniu" Scandal
Recent information on the "Mengniu" scandal showed
that the amount of carcinogen aflatoxin exceeds the standard.
However, an editor recently revealed on a microblog,
that media received an order from the Central Propaganda Dept (CPD) to stop reporting on the "Mengniu" scandal.
Scholars think, the CPD ban will only bring more adverse
social perceptions, which will lead to a larger “media noise."
On December 24, China's AQSIQ (Administration of Quality
Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine) made an announcement on its website.
The note reads that the boxed milk produced in October,
by Sichuan Meishan Group, a subsidiary of "Mengniu Group,"
exceeded 140% the standard level for aflatoxin M1.
Aflatoxin M1 is a highly carcinogenic substance.
On December 25, "Mengniu" published
the so-called "Declaration" on its official website.
They recognized the inspection test results from the AQSIQ,
and "solemnly apologize to nationwide consumers."
Mainland media widely reported this news,
however further related reports were banned by the CPD.
On December 27, an editor of '21st Century Economic Report'
revealed on a microblog that the CPD issued a second instruction.
It was: "About the Mengniu incident, besides information
released by the national authorities,
information from other sources is not allowed
to be reported or commented on."
Soon after, the editor's microblog was deleted.
Environmentalist of Sichuan food safety, Chen Yunfei said,
that "Mengniu" keeps showing quality problems.
If the CPD did not allow media to report on these problems,
this would mean they like to shield "Mengniu."
Chen Yunfei: "You make a mistake and are not afraid
to expose it. It is better to release it faster.
Let the other companies also have a warning.
If they [CPD] assist and do not allow thorough investigation,
complete reports and complete involvement, then it's the triads."
Deutsche Welle reported, "Mengniu” and “Yili" have been
using advertising and connections with CPD officials.
This is to manipulate the media and to prevent the public
from knowing these two companies'negative news.
It is reported that the current CCP Propaganda Minister,
Liu Yunshan, was studying in "Jining Shifan."
He had a long-term tenure in Neimenggu, since 1964,
and left when becoming a Deputy Vice Minister of the CPD.
Liu Yunshan's eldest son, Liu Lefei, manages "Mianyang
Science and Technology City Industry Investment Fund."
It is known as the mainland's largest RMB fund,
with RMB 9.0 billion. "Yili Group" is one of its shareholders.
In recent years, "Mengniu" had continuous problems
with its food safety.
In September 2008, Mengniu was related to the "melamine"
case; in February 2009, its Deluxe Milk was reported with OMP hormones;
in October 2010, Mengniu was accused
of producing "Precocious San Yuan milk powder";
on April 3, 2011, 251 students in Yulin Shanxi
drunk Mengniu milk and got food poisoning.
Ms. Guo (mainland resident):"You might choose to not
consume that milk powder, but what about the students?
Mengniu supplies milk for the students,
then, the teachers will certainly give it to the students."
Ms. Guo said with frustration, that people have always been
very worried about the lack of food safety in mainland China.
NTD reporters Tang Rui and Sun Ning.

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