【新唐人2011年12月29日訊】大陸中央農村工作會議27號起在北京舉行, 溫家寶說 , 土地承包經營權 等,是法律賦予農民的合法財產權利,任何人都無權剝奪。但 前陜西電視臺編輯馬曉明表示 中共大規模掠奪土地 這不是溫家寶一個人能解決的, 是一個共產專制體制必然的結果。目前農民多抱持觀望態度。
廣東烏坎村爆發村官賣地的違法事件後,27號在北京舉行的大陸中央農村工作會議,特別引人關注。 溫家寶說,土地承包經營權、宅基地使用權、集體收益分配權等,是法律賦予農民的合法財產權利,任何人都無權剝奪。然而,徵收土地、強拆在大陸各地一直在上演著,法律也保護不了人民的權益。
Citizens closely watch as Wen Jiabao discusses land issues.
The Mainland Central Meeting on Rural Development was
held on Dec. 27 in Beijing.
Wen Jiabao commented during the meeting that no one has
the right to take legally owned property off farmers.
However, Ma Xiaoming, former editor for Shanxi Television
expressed an alternative opinion, shared by many farmers.
Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) large scale plundering
of land is not a problem that Wen can solve alone.
It is an inevitable result of the Communist system.
The central meeting in Beijing was held with regard to the
Wukan incident, where officials illegally sold farmland.
During the meeting, Wen Jiabao said that no one can violate
the contracted land management rights, land use rights,
collective income distribution rights and other legally
given rights of farmers.
However, forced land acquisition and demolition happens
frequently in China, with little legal protection for citizens.
Ma Xiaoming, former Shanxi television editor said that it is
not easily solved with a few words.
The CCP has plundered large areas of land from citizens over
the past 20 years, and it is getting increasingly worse.
Ma Xiaoming,"The CCP and its regime, its brutal, deceitful
and greedy nature is clearly shown through plundering of land
over the past twenty years. This is not something Wen Jiabao
can solve by himself. This results from the Communist system."
Beijing Human Rights Lawyer Xie Yanyi expressed that
officials abuse their power for personal gain.
Since the land issue is related to personal interests, it will
accelerate the problem.
Xie Yanyi, "Actually many are abusing their official power,
using the cover of national interest and social development to cover up personal motives.
Some officials use mutual interests; economic development
in some places relies on land money. All these are wrong."
Xie Yanyi highlighted that it's important to have individual
property and private property as a corner stone of society.
Village representative, Wu Liu, from Xinrao village
questioned why a government agency would take land?
Expressing that it is a joke Wu Liu went on to say that the
land dispute in Xinrao village is still not resolved.
Wu Liu, "Regarding what to do, we are preparing to appeal,
or continue on like this.
If the situation continues, if the case doesn't get re-evaluated,
then we plan to live or die with the village; this is our plan."
Since 1993, the number of large scale group incidents
recorded by the Chinese regime has increased.
It has risen from 8700 cases per year to 90,000 cases per
Year, and around 65% were due to land disputes.
The Wukan incident has simply brought the issue of unjust
compensation for land acquisition back into the spotlight.
According to a recent BBC report, Deputy Guangdong
Provincial Secretary Zhu Mingguo
said there are mainly three types of bad behaviors
among Chinese officials.
The first is ignoring public grievance;
second is been arrogant and rude.
The third is avoiding difficulties, pushing problems around
without solving them; causing intensified conflicts.
He said it's like a fruit with a rotten core, but the skin is still
good; when the rotting reaches the skin, it's too late.
Wukan villager Mr. Wang Hanbei said, promises of the
officials have not been fulfilled.
It is their hope that the land dispute can be resolved fairly.
NTD reporters Yi Ru, Li Ting and Zhou Ping.

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【十大禁聞之一】烏坎怒吼 兩萬村民逼退黨官

【十大禁聞之二】江澤民死訊風波 民盼公審迫害

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【十大禁聞之七】三退超一億人 解體中共里程碑

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【十大禁聞之八】「自由光誠」 守護良心底線
