Official Report for Wenzhou Train Crash Released, Resulting in Criticism
Five months after the high-speed train accident in Yongwen,
the official investigation report was finally released on Dec 28, 2011.
The report concludes that the accident was caused by human
negligence, due to employing severely defective equipment,
failing to carry out strict safety inspection and failing to deal
with the urgent malfunction properly.
Fifty-four officials responsible for the accident were punished.
Former railway minister Liu Zhijun and former vice chief engineer
Zhang Shuguang was named as the main responsible individuals.
The report written by the State Council's investigation team
said that the bullet train crash in Wenzhou
which resulted in 40 deaths and 172 injuries was caused
by human negligence,
including employing severely defective equipment at the
signaling control center,
failing to carry out strict safety inspections and
failing to react properly in emergency.
The economic loss was estimated to be 193 million Yuan.
Former railway minister Liu Zhijun, former vice chief engineer
and commissioner of transportation Zhang Shuguang,
and general manager of the China National Railway Signal &
Communication Corporation (CRSC) Ma Pin, were called out as the main responsible individuals.
Liu and Zhang have been detained on charges of corruption,
while Ma died of a heart attack several months ago.
Furthermore, fifty-four responsible officials will be brought
to justice and the current railway minister Sheng Guangzu is required to make a profound review to the State Council.
Former railroad engineer Mr. Chen told NTDTV that
this official report tried to conceal many real problems of the high-speed railway system.
(Former railroad engineer Chen):”Here are just a few examples.
The investigation report completely ignored the problems of
train body, power supply and the project itself.
It also tried to avoid mentioning whether there was
anything wrong with the internal management of the automatic dispatch system and system integration. “
The Dongfang Daily in Hong Kong stated that since the
investigation report has been delayed for months before release,
it has aroused sharp criticism from Chinese netizens,
who suspect that officials are trying to hide the truth with a perfunctory conclusion.
Dongfang Daily』s report cited words from Chen Jieren,
a scholar in China University of Political Science and Law,
who said that the report's conclusion is far from satisfying;
not only should the responsible individuals be punished,
the whole railway system also needs a complete inspection and rectification.
The Chinese netizens also show their grievance saying that
Liu and Zhang, who have been in detention since February, are just scapegoats of the CCP government.
They also criticized that the disciplinary actions against
fifty-four responsible officials were removal from office at most,
while none of them were charged with criminal responsibility.
On the other hand, China's railway minister Sheng Guangzu
admitted days ago that
there exist problems of blindly enlarging the scale of projects
and recklessly shortening project schedules in railway construction.
Chen believes that Sheng's speech reveals the essential
problem behind the Wenzhou train crash,
though it has not been mentioned in the investigation report;
Sheng might want to protect himself by releasing those words intentionally.
(Former railroad engineer Chen):”There are many railway lines
which are unnecessary, and
they are constructed simply because the local officials want
to benefit from receiving kickbacks or doing a large project.
There are also many cases where a high-speed railway is not
necessary but the construction is required to be completed using standards for high-speed railway.
Currently, China does not have enough research capability to
develop a mature high-speed railway system, and also lacks experience in managing such a system.
Under such conditions, blindly building high-speed railway
exceeds both what the economics could afford and the market demands for passenger transport.
These factors in fact have become the root of future troubles.”
Chen believes that the CCP has done a lot of preparation for
the investigation report, both in its contents and release date.
They leaked some messages in advance to see the public's
reaction and then chose the best time to announce the report.
(Former railroad engineer Chen):”In the report, the problems
of the bullet train body are intentionally avoided.
That is because many parts in the bullet train need to be exported
which involves a huge budget.
The kickbacks behind those domestic-made parts are also huge.
So the benefits from corruption could directly implicate the
central government, and it's not restricted to Liu Zhijun, Zhang Shuguang and the Ministry of Railway.
Therefore the central government worked together to hide
the truth of the bullet train body.”
Sheng Guangzu has claimed that eradication of accidents in
passenger trains is the most important goal in 2012.
Chen said those words also proved that the Ministry of Railway
clearly knows there are many problems in passenger train bodies and bullet train equipment.
NTDTV reporters Zhao Xinzhi, Song Feng and Wang Mingyu

【禁聞】漁舟唱晚何處尋 鄱陽湖涸漁民愁


【禁聞】烏坎村委將重選 村民不接受

【禁聞】铁腕统治落幕 金正恩主掌朝鲜


【十大禁聞之一】烏坎怒吼 兩萬村民逼退黨官

【十大禁聞之二】江澤民死訊風波 民盼公審迫害

【十大禁聞之四】十八大角力白熱化 賴昌星遣返加劇內鬥

【十大禁聞之九】反思歴史 民間掀批毛熱潮

【十大禁聞之六】打房進退維谷 房市泡沫風險升高


【十大禁聞之七】三退超一億人 解體中共里程碑

【十大禁聞之十】阿拉伯之春 獨裁政權崩潰衝擊中共

【十大禁聞之八】「自由光誠」 守護良心底線

