Cross-Regional Investigative Reporting: Hubei Media Banned
Hubei media outlets were recently banned from conducting
cross-regional investigative reporting.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Hubei authorities'
official request ignited great concern from China's media.
Media professionals say the official acts show the CCP
fears losing control of public opinion before 18th Congress.
The CCP Hubei Provincial Standing Committee recently
issued eight rules on media outlets in Hubei.
The regulation firmly grips the guidance of public opinion,
by standardizing news coverage.
It strengthens news censorship, regulates internet and micro
blogs, and solidifies supervision of public opinion.
In particular, local media outlets were explicitly banned from
conducting 'cross-regional reporting'.
Veteran media professional, Gao Yu, a former reporter at
Xinhua News Agency, commented on the ban.
The cross-regional reporting ban has been issued by CCP
Central Propaganda Department, not CCP Hubei authority.
Gao Yu: "The cross-regional supervision ban was a CCP
Central Propaganda Department decision made a while ago.
It's not just for Hubei to follow. The ban aims at curbing
negative news'reporting.
This will be left to local CCP leaders to defuse and resolve.
The regulation in itself is an interference with press freedom.
What's more, this makes Hu Jintao's claims of people's
right to know, and the like, wither away. "
Many media outlets in China are affiliated with local CCP
Their human resources, finance and property rights are all
under control.
Some media professionals therefore think cross-regional
reporting is the only space left to deliver negative news.
No cross-regional reporting is equal to no reporting.
Some media persons highlight that by exposing small corrupt
officials, reporters may still be able to protect themselves.
However, if a senior official is exposed, the reporter will
suffer crackdown no matter where he is.
This is proved by fact, such as Beijing News or Southern
Press Group being repeatedly punished.
Many of their renowned reporters were suppressed.
Huang Tianliang (Chief Editor, Weekly Agricultural Market):
"Needless to say with the 'cross-regional supervision' ban,
what can the media monitor? Who supervises who?
The media has always been a propaganda tool of the CCP,
can it monitor the CCP?
So don't expect too much of the media in China to play its
normal journalism function."
Caught up in a dilemma of media censorship and
professional ethics, China's news reporters are in hardship.
On January 4, renowned journalist Zhao Xuehao tried to
commit suicide after leaving final messages on a micro blog.
Zhao reported on Jiangxi-based independent candidate
Liu Ping.
He also reported on consecutive suicides in Huazhong
University of Science & Technology.
During the three hours until his rescue, Zhao's personal
safety caught the attention from nearly one million netizens.
NTDTV contacted Legal Weekly newspaper to enquire about
Zhao's current situation, but Colleagues didn't dare comment.
Editorial staff of Legal Weekly: "I cannot disclose his
situation to you. We are not allowed to discuss this issue."
Gao Yu says that China's reporters have very limited
freedoms on their reporter coverage.
Lots of people are forced to speak via online media, using
other identities.
Gao Yu: "No reporter is free. Even personal devotion to the
profession is strictly controlled.
Journalism in China is wholly controlled by the CCP. "
Beijing-based veteran journalist, Mr. Luo, spoke to Radio
Free Asia.
The Hubei authorities' request shows that the CCP regime
is very worried that they will lose control of public opinion before holding the18th Congress.
NTD reporters Yi Ru, Shang Yan and Li Anan.

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