Entertainment Ban For Culture Control
China’s State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television
(SARFT) promulgated the "Entertainment Ban."
From January 1, the amount of TV entertainment programs
are being limited.
On New Year's Eve, 34 TV channels
launched new revamped schedules.
However, programs that spread Chinese Communist Party’
(CCP) red spirit is being kept.
Knowing that media is CCP’s propaganda tool, experts see
the new "Entertainment Ban" as the next culture control move.
The new "Entertainment Ban" is revising
34 TV satellite channels.
The number of the revised news programs
increased by a third.
The number of the seven types of entertainment TV programs
are being reduced by two thirds.
This includes marriage & dating, talent show & competition,
stories, games, entertainment, talk shows and reality shows.
Critic Ye Kuangzheng said, these years people are attracted
to local TV programs.
CCTV has been weakened substantially. Entertainment
programs won’t talk about overthrowing the CCP.
Many view the restrictions on entertainment TV programs
as absurd.
Ye Kuangzheng: "Now, the variety of information has been
released, including that on films which came a while ago.
The content of the Chinese film industry promotion law
increased a lot.
The last National Congress of Literary and Art Workers
is a sign that CCP wants to regain control over the culture.
After the launch of the culture control, limitations
on entertainment and internet network may be put in place."
Huang Liangtian, Agricultural Marketing Week’ Chief Editor,
thinks all media should be treated as CCP propaganda tool.
Huang Liangtian: "If you see the media, including radio, TV,
newspapers, magazines, etc., as CCP's propaganda tool, you can understand everything.
If you look at it as a news media,
things will not make sense."
Late November 2011, SARFT issued added provisions for
"Broadcast Radio and Television Advertising Management."
Since January 1, 2012, TV channels will not show
any commercials while broadcasting TV episodes.
However, where there is a policy, there is a reflection on it.
Netizens discussed the new policy on microblogs.
Netizen: "The ads during TV series’ are cancelled,
but ads before and after are as long as the TV series itself."
Ye Kuangzheng said, CCP’s "Entertainment Ban" is a culture
control attempt and a suppression of private cultural entities.
Ye Kuangzheng believes the idea here
is to control people ideologically.
Former China News Service’ correspondent, Gao Yu, thinks
red songs in entertainment shows is a form of deviation.
Gao Yu: "All the entertainment shows from bigger stations
like CCTV contain red songs.
They don’t’ just sing songs about the Cultural Revolution
and Mao Zedong. I think this is a sort of bias."
Ye Kuangzheng considers that the CCP’ so-called “strength”
of cultural industries means control of the culture.
After over three decades, CCP found its control of culture
weakened. So it is difficult to implement a policy or an idea.
Now, it can only remove attractive TV programs, as to inject
CCP’s culture and try regain control over China’s culture.
NTD reporters Chen Ying, Li Ting and Sun Ning

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