New layout of US defense strategy focuses on Asia-Pacific
On January 5, U.S. President Barack Obama announced a
new defense plan cutting defense spending up to $500 billion.
It is noteworthy that, in the pattern of U.S. military strategic
adjustment, the Asia-Pacific region becomes the focus.
Meanwhile, the White House does not deny the report targets
the Army of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
On January 5, Obama held a news conference at the Pentagon
and announced the latest strategic assessment.
He is planning to cut defense spending by at least $487 billion
within the next decade.
Obama said that after 10 years of war, the U.S. military is in a
transition period.
The current economic situation forces him to cut defense costs
reducing ground forces and the military presence in Europe.
However, Obama said that the U.S. will continue to maintain
military superiority, whilst shifting military focus.
The U.S. will concentrate on the Middle East and Asia Pacific.
Obama: "We will be strengthening our presence in the Asia
Pacific and budget reductions will not come at the expense of
that critical region. ... ... We will stay vigilant.
Especially in the Middle East."
Also present at the press conference were the U.S. Secretary
of Defense Panetta.
Who was joined by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen.
Martin Dempsey.
Panetta announced that the number of U.S. military will
downsize to 490 thousand in the next decade.
He also said that after defense budget cuts, the U.S. military
will further strengthen special operations and missile defense.
Also increasing network warfare capacity to avoid "large-scale
long time" military actions such as Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
It is understood Panetta will postpone the purchase of U.S.'s
most expensive weapons program, stealth fighter F35.
However he will not reduce the establishment of the eleven U.S.
aircraft carrier battle group.
When White House spokesman Carney was asked that day
whether this report is targeting China, he didn't deny it.
NTDTV commentator Chen Zhifei: "In fact, after the APEC
meeting, the U.S. decided to return to the Asia-Pacific region.
Following this, the U.S. media all believe that the spearhead of
these actions is targeting the CCP.
Again the U.S. shows it by making a formal policy adjustment
indicating this initiative of checking and balancing the
totalitarian CCP from the Asia-Pacific has become new U.S.
diplomatic and strategic policies. "
As well as Asia-Pacific, Obama said that U.S. military will not
reduce its presence in the Middle East, still remaining vigilant.
Panetta also said the U.S. will strengthen cooperation with its
allies in the Middle East to counter aggressive behavior.
It is generally believed that this targets Iran.
Political commentator Wu Fan analyzed that there are two key
points in the new U.S. defense program.
Wu Fan: "One is the South China Sea; the other is the Strait of
Hormuz of Arabian Gulf. Why are these two important?
It is related to the path of global energy.
Oil from the Middle East, Central Asia will arrive at the first
gate, namely, the Arab Gulf Strait Hormuz.
When being sent to the Far East, it has to go through the South
China Sea.
Both regions are controlled and affected by China and Iran.
So the U.S. put its navy and air forces in these areas."
Wu Fan said U.S. strategy in the next decade will target CCP
and Iran but not like wars fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Wu Fan: "He will not fight the ground battle. He doesn't want
to fight in the same way as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He will use navy and air forces to destroy your base with the
goal of containing you so you are no threat to the outside world.
However, he will not occupy you. Neither will he overthrow
the old governments like Iraq and Afghanistan.
He just wants to restrain you there; make sure you are no threat.
The strategy and style of fight has completely changed."
In addition, Wu Fan also said the situation of future network
warfare is escalating.
He said the U.S. has made it clear that network warfare is
a war.
Against hacker network operations in CCP, Iran and Russia,
the U.S. now begins to conduct a comprehensive response.
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Zhou Ping and Zhou Tian

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