No GDP, Only “Good Official” Talks
On January 5, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Guangdong
Secretary Wang Yang gave speech at the 11th Plenary Session of the 10th Guangdong Provincial Committee.
For the first time, Wang did not mention the GDP figure,
but talked a lot about "being a good official."
However, China's public thinks that Wang's talk ensues
from the Wukan village protest, like Wen Jiabao's big words.
The real aim behind it
is the attempt to prolong CCP's last gasp.
In the speech, Wang Yang said: “If we could put more efforts
to work with the masses at the right time,
the sudden mass incidents will be greatly reduced.
Even if problems occur, we would have the ability
to defuse the conflicts.”
Commentator Wu Fan says that Wukan village's resistance
let the CCP regime see its end day approaching.
So CCP officials had to veer off,
but are being trapped in a dilemma.
The first challenge is the stake of CCP officials'
vested interests, and the grass-roots officials will rise up.
Wu Fan: "Wukan was China's first village to get rid of CCP's
rule. If it persists, the rest of Guangdong will follow suit.
How can your regime continue like this? It can't.
The diversion may also face great difficulties.
Firstly, will its local officials be willing
to implement the diversion?
It wants to meet people's demands,
while still needs local officials' cooperation.
Or else the CCP would collapse
without grass-roots foundation."
Wang claimed to conform to Guangdong residents'
eager expectations of leading good lives.
He said to insist on prioritizing people's livelihood,
ensuring "the underclass livelihood,"
and enabling the general public to enjoy the fruits of
the reform development.
Wu Fan: "He tries to retain the CCP regime when diverting,
while he also hopes grassroots officials are not so corrupt.
That is, don't produce such a strong resistance
from the masses. That's the path in his mind.
But would it work?
I don't think it's an easy call.”
Wang Yang stressed that leading cadres should
“be well-behaved before being an official."
Only by being a good person one can be "people's official,"
rather than being cursed as a “dog-like official.”
Dr. Liu Kaiming, director of Shenzhen-based Institute
of Contemporary Observation, comments on Wang's talk.
That is, under the CCP system, Wang's remarks
are a recurrence of Wen Jiabao's empty talks.
Dr. Liu: "Especially the reform he stressed on, 30 years ago
was limited by the official ideology, now by vested interests.
Premier Wen Jiabao has always put it in words very nicely,
but still left far behind in reality.
So I think Wang's nice talks
may not be put into practice."
At the close of the Plenary Session, Wang Yang
did not mention Guangdong's 2011 GDP figure.
Dr. Liu thinks that Wang abandoned the GDP theory,
and the shift is due to Guangdong's mass protests.
Dr. Liu: "Guangdong has a lot of social clashes,
one of them is the recent Wukan protest.
All of this shows that under fast economic development,
Guangdong still has many social and livelihood conflicts.
In this context, giving up the traditional talk on GDP,
might be appealing to many people."
Wu Fan adds that it is very likely Hu Jintao uses Guangdong
as a pilot project to carry out reforms to delay CCP's collapse.
NTD reporters Liu Hui and Xiao Yu

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