U.S. Supports Ma‘s Cross-Strait Policy. “One China, Respective Interpretations” debate continues.
The countdown to the 2012 Taiwan Presidential election is on.
Tsai Ing-wen, the DPP candidate and Ma Ying-jeou, the KMT candidate are continually engaged in debate. Their focus is the “1992 Consensus” and the “One-China policy”. The U.S. has officially expressed support of the cross-strait policy spearheaded by the of Ma Ying-jeou government. The U.S. edition of “The Times” highlighted that whatever the outcome of the election, Taiwan will be the winner.
Taiwan's Central Election Commission organized the final televised policy debate on January 6th. The cross-strait relationship is still the focus of confrontation between the two “blue-green” parties.
Ma Ying-jeou said Tsai Ing-wen does not accept the "one China, respective interpretations" and "1992 consensus". He claims Tsai wants to break the current peace, prosperity and stability between the Taiwan Strait. He also states Tsai wants to change Taiwan's future into a Russian roulette, to change the people into white mice. Tsai is using ideology to put Taiwan into a high-risk situation.
Ma Ying-jeou: "There is a reason why both sides developed peace and prosperity over the past three years. It is because there’s a 『one China, respective interpretations』 and 『1992 consensus』 policy. It played a key role. Now, chairwoman Tsai wants to lead Taiwan backward, just like Chen Shui-bian did in the 8 years of his reign. Can all of you feel at ease with it?”
Tsai Ing-wen said she always has a positive view towards the pragmatic approach. “Putting aside disputes, engaging in consultation and dialogue”
for the cross-strait agreement in 1992. But it is not only the KMT and CCP who differ in their understanding of the “1992 consensus”. Taiwan society also doesn』t have a shared, common understanding.
Tsai Ing-wen: "Your logic is very simple, thinking cross-strait peace is equal to the 『1992 consensus』. Thinking the 『1992 consensus』 is equal to 『one China,
respective interpretations』. But I want to tell you, the 『cross-strait consensus』 isn’t equal to 『one China, respective interpretations』. Now, the CCP is deploying military that target Taiwan. Is this threatening Taiwan?”
Tsai Ing-wen advocates "Taiwan consensus" and forming a "grand coalition" after the election. The new government will generally take the agreements signed by cross-strait, pushing economic and trade exchanges.
James Soong, the People’s First Party’s candidate urged Taiwan voters to put the "blue-green" aside. Soong asked them to focus on their livelihood issues. He thinks the “1992 consensus” is a tacit agreement, not a file.
Kao Koong-lian, the secretary-general of Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation(SEF) also commented. Hu Jintao called U.S. president George W. Bush in 2008. Hu said very clearly in English that the “1992 consensus” is “one china, respective interpretations”. The content of this conversation can be found on Chinese websites, which described the conversation in English.
Yang Liyu, a cross-strait relations’ senior commentator from Seton Hall University commented. Koo Chen-fu, former SEF Chairman involved in the 1992
negotiations, said many times that there is a “1992 consensus”.
Yang Liyu: "It wasn’t called the 『1992 consensus』 at that time, it was called 『one china, respective interpretations』. The 『1992 consensus』 is a name created by Su Chi in 2008. He was Chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council at that time. At that time, both sides accepted this name. Koo Chen-fu said clearly in his memoirs that the 『1992 consensus』 existed. I also discussed with Koo Chen-fu many times, in which he explained many times the existence of the 『1992 consensus』.”
Yang Yi, the spokesman of Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Office spoke in response on January 7th. The foundation of the two sides’ negotiation is the "1992 Consensus". Without the "1992 consensus", the cross-strait discussion
can't be maintained.
Many large Taiwanese enterprises, who have business in the Mainland, expressed their support for the “1992 consensus”. This includes Terry Gou, chairman of Hon Hai Group and Wang Wen-yuan, president of Formosa Plastics.
The U.S. government has reiterated their neutral attitude to Taiwan's presidential election.
NTD Reporters: Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu

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