斯坦福大學胡佛研究所(The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace)羅文教授則認為,不管是何種方式,中國社會的大變革很可能在2020年前來臨,這也將對整個世界產生巨大影響。
新唐人記者宋風 王明宇綜合報導。
China's "Transition Trap"
A research group at Tsinghua University
released recently a report on China's reform.
China should be cautious of the vested interests groups'
using "maintaining stability" as an excuse to kidnap the reform.
This will make China become stuck in a "transition trap."
In the report, the early days' reform' saying "touch the stones
to cross the river" has become "touch the stones but do not cross the river."
On January 9, China Youth Daily reported about Tsinghua
University's "2011 series studies of social progress."
However, the online edition was soon ordered to be removed
by the internet censorship department.
The report was mainly written by Sun Liping,
professor at Tsinghua University.
It stated: “It is an indisputable fact
that the institutional reform is in trouble.
A number of important reform measures were shelved.
Political reform hasn't got any progress.
People need to be vigilant that 'if addicted to touching
the stone, they will not be crossing the river."'
Prof. Sun and other scholars believe,
that the transition process has created vested interests groups.
The groups prevent further changes which leads
to economic and social developmental deformities.
Problems continue to accumulate, and make the driving force
of social change weaker and weaker.
The report states: "It's like in an unfinished building, people
make some simple decorations. Then they cook food and start their families in it."
The report also summarized the
top five "transformation trap" issues,
like economic development malformations,
founding of transitional institutions, growing gap between rich and poor,
the reform turning into "maintaining stability,"
and apparent social defeat.
According to the report, to overcome this 'transformation trap,'
China must "embrace the world's major civilizations."
The core values include "freedom, prudence, civil rights,
market economy, democracy, rule of law."
"What China needs the most is a kind of courage, which can
break the vested interest groups and the 'transition trap,'
and can help go out of the current impasse and plight,"
the report says.
In fact, even within the Chinese authorities, including the core
of power in China's prince lings, have seen these problems.
In October 2011, The Sydney Morning Herald reported about
a statement of Ma Xiaoli, daughter of the former CCP (China's Communist Party) Party School's headmaster.
During unofficial gathering of China's most powerful families,
Ma Xiaoli said: "The CCP is like a surgeon who has cancer; it cannot remove the tumor by itself.
It needs the help of others.
Without such help it cannot live for much longer."
Hu Yaobang's son Hu Deping also criticized
China』s political absurdity.
Even a phrase like "civil society"
is banned for use by the mainstream media.
Prof. Luo Wen from Stanford University's Hoover Institute,
said, regardless of the way, China will witness major changes,
which the society is likely to experience before 2020,
and which will have a significant impact on the whole world.
NTD reporters Song Feng and Wang Mingyu.


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