Paid Online Posts Deletion Concealed
In 2011, a web police in Shanxi province was exposed
for “paying money for online posts deletion.”
Earlier in 2012, the Chinese Communist Party' (CCP) regime
gave a sentence for "fudging and trading army officers' IDs".
The judicial organ did not reveal the true reason behind it -
concerned CCP department 'spent money on posts deletion.'
Lawyers say the case reflects the state of chaos
in today's China, where seems to be no more rule of law.
The concerned department of CCP Committee in Xiangyuan
was found to “spend money on posts deletion.”
The event evolved into a criminal case, with the charge
of “trading armed force identification cards.”
In August 2011, online posts attacked Qin Qiming,
CCP Organization Department Minister of Xiangyuan County.
Qin was accused of "serious violation of cadre and personnel
discipline, bribery, and malpractices for personal gain, and illegal promotion of cadres."
Then Wang Lizhong and Zhang Xiaopeng contacted
the director of CCP's Committee office in Xiangyuan County.
Both jobless, they claimed they could help
delete online posts for RMB 5,000 cash.
Later, the two paid RMB 700 to Yuan Xudong, a web
policeman from Xiangyuan County Public Security Bureau.
Yuan was asked to help remove
online posts about Qin Qiming.
Two days later, the accusing posts reappeared online.
Wang and Zhang contacted again the office director.
This time they reached an agreement
of “posts deletion annual service."
Receiving from the office director RMB 58,000 cash,
they paid RMB 3,000 to Yuan to remove any posts on Qin.
Meanwhile, Xiangyuan County Organization Department
traced the posts' IP address to Yuan's computer.
The concerned departments reviewed Zhang's phone bill,
who was found to have frequent contacts with Yuan.
The Organization Dept. then reported to the Public Security.
that someone slanders the local Organization Dept. Minister with online posts, and asks for money to remove the posts.
In search of the culprit, the police found two forged ID cards
of officers from the People's Liberation Army.
The ID cards were made
by others through Yuan Xudong.
Eventually Yuan was sentenced to two-years in jail,
on suspicion of trading military ID cards.
Wang and Zhang were imprisoned for one year
on the same charge.
Caixin.com reported that this case is a food for thought,
as the posts deletion were not mentioned in the indictment.
Jiang Tianyong, China's human rights lawyer,
says the case reflects the chaotic state of the CCP regime.
Jiang Tianyong: "Behind this chaos lies
the leaders' will, instead of the legal duties.
Arresting and sentencing depend only on the leader's order.
The investigation is based entirely on the leader's word.
The money comes from taxpayers, not the leader's property.
Fed by taxpayers, what are these CCP cadres doing there?
Spending public funds like that
is violating the law.
We see how in reality the tax revenue from the people
is being squandered by these officials."
Internet writer Jing Chu thinks the web policeman Yuan
knows the officials' unwritten rules, he just went too far.
Jing Chu: "If it wasn't for the authorities' revengeful reason,
how could he be put on trial?
He would never be sentenced for deleting online posts,
or else that'd become a scandal.
China's laws are just like a whip in the hand of the ruler,
who will whip anybody he wishes to."
Jing Chu adds that today's China has all kinds
of professional posts deletion companies.
They offer firm quotations,
and posts deletion becomes a way to make money in China.
Searching for "removing negative information" on the web,
gives over 200,000 links about "professional posts deletion."
NTD reporters Li Yun and Sun Ning

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