上海知名維權人士馮正虎在互聯網發出《公開賬號 坦誠求助》的公開信。他在信中說,我們是先驅者,先行的英雄,但不是聖人,也是普通人,也會英雄氣短。我知道:把困難坦誠相告,民眾會幫助的。
Feng Zhenghu Calls for Donations Online, Defenders Urge the International Community to Help
Well-known Shanghai human rights activist Feng Zhenghu
is seeking public donations on-line to support his human rights activities.
He said even a hero has difficulties,
public business needs public support.
Some activists pointed out, it’s an urgent need for action
that has made Feng Zhenghu ask for public donations.
He hopes the international community can help him
to push forward China’s democratic process.
Feng Zhenghu published a public letter on line which had
the title “Publish My Bank Account, Ask for Help Frankly”.
He said in the letter: “we are pioneers, the leading heroes.
We aren’t sages, but normal people who
will meet difficulties In our path.
I knew that if I spoke about my difficulty frankly,
people would help me.”
Feng Zhenghu is a well-known human rights activist
in Shanghai.
On February 15th, 2009, Feng Zhenghu was secretly kidnapped
by the Beijing authorities, and was illegally detained for 41 days.
The authorities warned him to avoid the 20th anniversary
of the June 4th event.
He went to Japan in April, but was refused entry to China 8 times
when he tried to go back.
Feng Zhenghu stayed at the entrance hall of Terminal 1
of Japan’s Narita Airport to ask for the right go back to China with his Chinese passport, and refused to enter Japan.
During this period, the Japanese government didn’t allow
his relatives to send food into the control zone.
Many Chinese brought food and daily necessities to him
from China by air.
What Feng experienced caused Chinese netizens and
human rights’ organizations grave concern.
After spending21 days at the airport,
he successfully returned to China.
Feng Zhenghu says: "When I was at the airport,
if there had not been many people to bring me food and other things,
I wouldn’t have been safe or able to go back to my country,
and then I wouldn’t have been able to succeed in those achievements in the area of human rights .”
After he arrived home, Feng continued to engage in the
human rights’ business but was closely monitored by the authorities.
He was also “missing” frequently. Feng said in the letter that
there were always a dozen illegal caretakers outside his home 24/7.
Feng Zhenghu says: "Our main effort is in human rights activity,
but we can’t have any income in China.
Public business needs public support. It will be powerful with public support.
Any kind of action needs money to make things happen.”
Feng Zhenghu spends money setting up a website,
edits and publishes a newspaper “inspection briefing”.
Last year, when netizens led a campaign to lend money
to Ai Weiwei,
he sent him 999 yuan by wire transfer.
He said money is the ballot, cash support is the vote.
Feng Zhenghu: "If each person gives a little support,
the total amount will be a considerable. If people like, they can donate support.
I don’t have time to make money, I put my energy
in the human right’s activities. Simple is good.”
The director of “Rights Movement Blog” Hu Jun said, it’s because
of urgency that Feng Zhenghu is seeking money in this way.
If he had money to maintain the operation of his projects,
he certainly would not ask for donations.
Hu Jun says:"It’s true that human rights’ activities are facing
financial issues, such as operating costs and funding.
It’s very difficult because it’s the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP)’s trick that is always used to deal with human rights activists.
CCP cut your income, cut the financial resources of your life.
You can’t find a normal job, and you will meet a block
as you try to make a living.
They tell all related businesses and units not to give you a job.”
Hu Jun hopes that the international community can help
Feng Zhenghu.
He said, to help Feng Zhenghu is to help China’s democratic
process, is to help Chinese to get rid of the CCP’s dictatorship, to realize real democracy.
NTD Reporters: Li Yun and Xue Li

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