之後,各地發生了多起老人摔倒無人施救的事件,還有去年10月,「 18路人漠視」被車撞傷倒在血泊中的2歲女童「小悅悅事件」。每個事件都在拷問中國人「敢不敢扶」。
朱欣欣:「這麼長時間,沒有讓廣大的公眾了解真相,這跟中國的新聞媒體沒有自由,自主的報導權力有關係,同時司法受到公權的,政治權力的影響和控制完全有關係, 所以說在中國這種官方媒體呀,還有官方這種發言人的這種公信力也特別差。」
New Judgment on “Peng Yu's Case”
Recently Nanjing officials overturned a five year old judgment
on "Peng Yu's case".
It was stated that "Peng Yu's case" is not a bad example
of "moral degeneration".
However, people questioned: why has the truth been
hidden for five years? Why didn't media publish the truth?
And why does Peng Yu deceive the public for five years?
Four years ago, “Peng Yu's case” caused people's argument on
whether to help an elderly person when they fall to ground?
Peng Yu said he was courageous to help the elderly lady
who fell over.
But the lady claimed that Peng Yu knocked her down,
and asked for compensation, later they went to the court.
The court said Peng Yu should pay 40% of medical expenses,
a total of 40,000 yuan (US$6000).
This led to public outcry that a judge punished a good man.
But after the 2nd court hearing, the two sides reached a
settlement and closed the case.
Li Yuanchao of Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary
claimed at the 17th National Congress,
“Peng Yu's case was settled, it is good for society,
for both sides and public opinion as well as social impact.
It is a good demonstration of morality.”
However, people believe, “Peng Yu's case” warns that the
public should avoid doing good deeds, even neglecting the rescuing of life.
Later, there were some incidents of elderly people falling
over, nobody wants to help.
Last October, a 2-year-old girl Yueyue was hit by a truck,
18 passers-by ignored her and left her lying on the road.
Each incident like this tests Chinese people,
whether to “help or not”.
On Monday, China's official magazine Outlook Newsweekly
highlighted in an article, "Nanjing official said
Peng Yu admitted he had knocked down the lady and would
pay compensation in the order of 10,000 yuan (US$1600)".
The article quoted the Nanjing ofiicial Liu Zhiwei's words
“Peng Yu has admitted knocking down Xu Shoulan.
This differs with public opinion and awareness
of 『Peng Yu's case』, claiming it is not the truth.”
However, the public didn't trust Liu Zhiwei's interpretation
of the so-called “truth”, but raised many questions.
Apple Daily reported that Nanjing officials』 explanations are
obviously eager to keep Li Yuanchao out of trouble.
On the contrary, they exposed the truth that lay
hidden for 5 years.
Reports say that presenter Meng Fei of Jiangsu TV publicly
questioned: "If this is the truth, why wait until today to publish such a simple truth by Nanjing authorities?
Who should be responsible for the bad influence on society? "
Zhu Xinxin, former editor of the Hebei People's Radio Station
said to NTD that “Peng Yu's case” created the start of playing bad role models.
Zhu Xinxin: "When the court dealt with some incidents
and disputes, if ethical people were said to have a bad effect,
whilst doing good deeds, this sends a message to society,
that, if you choose this form of moral behavior,
you will pay for it and cannot be protected by law. "
Zhu Xinxin also said that China's media and the judiciary
have lost their credibility.
Zhu Xinxin: "It took so long before they let the public
learn the truth.
In China media has no freedom of expression and it's the same
as the judiciary, which are influenced by political power.
China's official media and official speeches
lack credibility."
The netizens mocked: "If I were Peng Yu, I also could not
bear to let national people not help the elderly people when they fell over due to 『Peng Yu's case』.
Just simply accept the explanations from Nanjing officials."
NTD reporters Chang Chun and Zhu Di

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