China's Communist Regime Negates Claim of Deteriorating Human Rights
Anchor: In a recent interview with public television, U.S.
Ambassador to China, Gary Locke, expressed that
“There's a significant crackdown and repression going on in
China” towards the dissidents, lawyers and other activists.
The human rights situation in China is apparently in
“a down period” and “it's getting worse.”
The communist regime once again disputes Gary Locke's
comments via the Foreign Ministry.
Democratic activists indicate that the Chinese Ministry of
Foreign Affairs is a fig leaf of CCP.
In the PBS television show “Charlie Rose” on Monday,
January 16th, the U.S. Ambassador to China, Gary Locke,
said that since 2008, China's human rights climate has always
ebbed and flowed up and down, and appears to be worsening.
In response to Locke's comments, at a regular press conference
on the 17th,
the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin
refuted Locke's accusations.
Lai Jinbiao, a democratic activist in China, refers to the Chinese Foreign Ministry as the CCP's fig leaf.
He says human rights simply do not exist in China.
Lai Jinbiao : "So far, CCP has not admitted any
of its own crimes, or to say it nicely, its own mistakes.
Everything it says or does is nothing more than to comfort
themselves, and make you think what it does is right, and you have to believe it no matter what."
Zan Aizhong, an independent observer in Zhejiang, thinks that
many Chinese rights have been suppressed, and
what Locke says about the deterioration and regression of the
Chinese human rights are justified.
Zan Aizong : "The suppression of demonstrations, protests,
and assembly is far worse than before.
Many meetings and activities are prohibited.
I also saw news saying even New Year's Eve dinner in certain
areas needs to be reported, that is, it needs to be on record."
Gary Locke also pointed out that since the Arab Spring
last year in Egypt and Libya,
“the Chinese leaders are very fearful of something similar
happening within China.”
“Therefore, there is a significant crackdown on the dissention,
political discussion,
even the rights and activities of lawyers who advocate on
behalf of people who have been poisoned from tainted food and medicine.”
A few days ago, Beijing activist Hu Jia, Zhejiang democratic
activists Zou Wei, Lu Gengsong, Wei Zhenling and so on,
have been raided and summoned by the police
one after another.
Late last year, the 57-year-old Guizhou activist Chen Xi
was charged with “inciting subversion of state power” for
his online article prompting democracy and
was sentenced to 10 years.
In the same month, another activist in Sichuan, Chen Wei, was
also sentenced to nine years in prison with the charge of “subversion of state power” for an online article he proposed.
However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu
Weimin rebutted that a number of citizens were subjected to legal sanctions,
not because the Chinese Communists suppress freedom of
speech or religion, but these people have been punished for breaking the Chinese law.
Zan Aizong : "In fact, from the standpoint of the Constitution,
citizens have the freedom of speech, press, assembly, demonstration and association.
They are exercising their constitutional rights, and
they have not violated the bottom line of the law."
Beijing human rights lawyer Li Heping said that the CCP have
been sentencing dissidents for "inciting subversion of state power."
However, this provision itself is a crime.
If Chinese citizens speech and thoughts are a crime based on
investigation in accordance with this provision,
then it is a violation of China's Constitution.'
NTD reporters Rui Tang and Xiao Yan


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