Hu Jintao Quotes Deng Xiaoping's Speech to Criticize Jiang Zemin
This year is the 20th anniversary of formerleader Deng
Xiaoping's southern tour in which he gave a famous speech.
Recently, the party media of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) published the speech in a high profile article,
but said that there are two important sentences which
reporters didn't dare to publish. This has attracted curiosity.
Some scholars have pointed out that, the purpose of Deng's
tour was to criticize Jiang Zemin who was against reform.
The reason for Hu Jintao's faction publishing the speech
before the 18th National People's Congress is to criticize Jiang Zemin who is retired but who didn't step down.
On January 18th, "Xinhua Net" and "People Net" reproduced
an article in “Nanfang Daily”. In that article, Chen Xitian,
former deputy chief editor of “Shenzhen Special Zone Daily”
said there were two important sentences in Deng's speech
that weren't published in the newspaper
when the speech was reported 20 years ago.
These two important sentences are, "Do not engage in
political campaigns, do not engage in formalism.
Leaders should have a clear mind, and shouldn't affect the
leaders' work", and "Elders should resign, otherwise they can easily make mistakes.
Like me, I'm old; I have a poor memory and unclear speech.
So, elders like us should resign, and fully support the nation's youth.”
Gao Wenqian, a former member of the CCP's Party Literature
Research Center and director of Zhou Enlai's Life Research Team said,
the CCP has published the two secret sentences of
Deng's speech just before the 18th National Congress,
this shows up the fierce struggle that is going on among
the CCP's different factions.
High Wenqian says: "Now is the CCP's power
redistribution period.
In this circumstance, repetition of Deng's speech, e specially
the publishing of these two sentences that
asked the elders to leave and the young to take the lead,
should be seen as having a clear reference .“
In 2010, Tian Jiyun, the former Deputy Prime Minister
published an article in "Spring Glory" magazine to criticize the fact that
Jiang Zemin didn't step down after he retired.
He said: the key point of a leaders' retirement is “quit”.
You must not interfere in political issues in any way,
and you must not comment on current leaders 『affairs.
You should step down gracefully,
and should not keep hanging onto power or position.
Tian Jiyun spoke similar words to those in Deng's speech,
“You should understand, when you can't open your eyes,
can't close your mouth, can't straighten your back and
don't have a clear mind, you cannot receive respect unless you step down.”
Jiang Zemin was reported dead last July, but showed up
suddenly in October during the Beijing Xinhai Revolution Anniversary Conference.
He was very old and very weak. He had to rely on others'help
when he walked, and slept during the conference.
Without help, he couldn't stand up after the conference.
After that, he spoke to the media in high profile frequently,
and tried to influence power distribution during
the 18th National Congress.
Zhang Weiguo, Chief Editor of Hong Kong “Dongxiang”
magazine said, “When people get old, they will frequently be sick,
and could die at any time. This is the natural rule.
As a being, Jiang Zemin can't escape this rule.
An elder like him, who quit the Political Bureau,
quit the front line job, according to the CCP's routine,
he should not be involved in any practical work.
And particularly, he should not affect the operations of current leaders.”
The exact reason for which Deng Xiaoping undertook the
southern tour is that
after Jiang Zemin took the position of the CCP's general
secretary with his achievement in the June 4th massacre,
he followed the conservative patriarchs like Li Xiannian and
Chen Yun to implement a far-left route against reform.
In early 1992, Deng took a tour to Guangdong, and
pointed at Jiang Zemin directly saying : “The leader must step down if he doesn't want reform.”
Then, Jiang Zemin conveyed the speech at an extended
meeting of the Political Bureau, but deleted a large amount of the content.
In March 1992, “Shenzhen Special Zone Daily” first disclosed
the speech.
Recently, "Nanfang Daily" unveiled that these two important
sentences of the speech were not published at that time.
One of the sentences “Do not engage in political campaigns”
is considered to criticize Jiang Zemin's launching
the persecution of Falun Gong which has been going on
for more than 12 years, and to criticize Bo Xilai's campaign
“Singing Red, Attacking Black”, Bo is seeking to share
the power during the 18th National Congress.
During the 17th National Congress, Hu Jintao's arrangement,
the Youth League faction's candidate was blocked by Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong.
They used prince ling Xi Jinping to replace the
loudest voiced Li Keqiang.
Now, Xi Jinping is facing a challenge from the new
Youth League faction's candidate Wang Yang,
who is the party secretary of Guangdong province.
Recently, Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou and Li Jinai, the three main
military leaders who were promoted by Jiang Zemin
expressed their support for Hu Jintao, and that they
will protect Hu during the 18th National Congress.
On analysis, it is understood that the party media's emphasis
on the two sentences is shows that
Hu Jintao's youth league faction is working hard
to eliminate the influence of Jiang Zemin.
NTD reporters: Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu

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