夏明: 「中國的政治改革的一個最根本的障礙是,胡錦濤沒有改革的動力和改革的新思維。他目前的一些辦法全是在中國﹙共﹚專制集權體制下學會的政工幹部的老辦法。對於溫家寶來說顯然是很不幸的,他想改革的話,都是跟中共最高的人物——胡錦濤直接相左的。」
Wen Jiabao praises Arab Spring Uprising,
urges political reform
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Premier Wen Jiabao first
directly responded to the "Arab Spring".
He said: “We should respect the people』s aspirations in each
nation for change.”
He also stressed that any instability has its internal and
external causes, but the internal cause is major.
Scholars point out that Wen Jiabao sees the trend of CCP』s
demise and wants to promote political reform,
Hoping to extend CCP』s life, but he could not make it happen.
On January 18th, Wen Jiabao spoke during the
press conference in Doha.
He said that we should respect the peoples』 aspirations in
each nation for change and for protecting their own interests.
Because history is ultimately created by the people, the
Government』s responsibility is to pursue peoples』 interests
Other than this, the government should not have
any privileges.
Wen Jiabao』s declaration on the issue of "Arab Spring" is the
first time from CCP』s high-level officials. And it is the only time so far.
"Arab Spring" refers to: the end of 2010, "anti-dictatorship
movements" happened in some North Africa, Arab countries.
The movements led to the overthrow of Ben Ali』s regime in
Tunisia, Mubarak』s regime in Egypt.
Followed by Gaddafi』s regime in Libya. At present, the
movement is still fermenting.
Dr. Ye Ke, at Public Policy Division of "University of Southern
California", says Wen Jiabao』s declaration has two points;
One: the need to communicate with new regime in Middle East.
Two: no way to face a domestic situation of direct opposites.
He wants to maintain CCP』s rule through reform, giving some
concessions to the people.
But he still tries to grasp the sovereignty in its own hands.
Ye Ke: “Even with such a position from Wen Jiabao, in the end,
it may come to nothing in the end in the system of CCP.
Even Wen Jiabao will be attacked. As for the CCP regime,
he is not able to change it himself because of it』s power.”
Xia Ming, political science professor at "City University, New
York" believes vested interest groups kidnapped state policy.
And systematically disregarding more and more the suffering
of the people.
Wen Jiabao sees that if China』s system does not change the,
result is conflict, instability, the possible collapse of CCP regime
This will all happen in the future of China』s society.
But he can do nothing about it.
Xia Ming: “One of the most fundamental obstacles of China's
political reform is that Hu Jintao has no drive for reform.
He is not interested in the new thinking of reform either. His
ways are all old ones learned from cadres of political workers.
Under the authoritarian totalitarian system of CCP.
As for Wen Jiaobao, he is obviously very unfortunate.
If he wants to create reform, he is always directly at odds with
the top leader of CCP, Hu Jintao.”
Wen Jiabao's comments of "political reform" have been
mentioned several times.
Last September, he proposed high-profile political reform with
the separation of the party and the government.
He wanted reform the CCP leadership system of China. But
his efforts were not echoed by other high officials in the party.
Xia Ming said presently overseas or at home, more and more
people have realized that the CCP must be disintegrated.
If it does not happen, China has no future. So there is a
movement of "opposition party" at home and abroad.
However, Ye Ke said there are better ways to disintegrate the
CCP than the formation of an "opposition party".
Ye Ke: “To quit the membership of the CCP is the most
peaceful, most rational and most effective way.
Because the CCP is able to rely on is a system of the party.
If we do not to follow it, all its orders can not be implemented.
Then if CCP wants to suppress the people, it can not conduct
its suppression.”
However, Xia Ming pointed out that the contradiction in CCP
is complex and the struggle is intense.
The CCP in the future may kill a person in order to meet the
requirements of people eagerly punishing corrupt officials.
Thus, at present, Wen Jiabao is in a very perilous situation.
Some scholars pointed out that in recent years, Wen Jiabao
called for political reform many times on different occasions.
Conversely, CCP's suppression of dissents is worse. Wen
Jiabao's call may just leave a good name behind as he exits.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Song Feng and Zhou Tian

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