除夕夜,人們通過放鞭炮來辭舊迎新,而廣東深圳的開發商則發明瞭鞭炮的另類用法。 1月23號凌晨2點左右,深圳市「邦兆公司」糾集幾百名黑社會人員,出動2臺大型吊車、4臺鉤機,對「布吉綜合市場」進行違法強拆。
New Year's Day's Activities Open with Gunfire and Demolition
On Chinese New Year's Day, Tibetans held a mass protest
in Sichuan.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s security forces
opened fire on protesters, many were injured and some were killed.
On the same day in Shenzhen, zone developers used triads,
under cover of the noise of fireworks,
to demolish an indoor market, many stall owners
were seriously injured and were sent to hospital.
Headquarter of Free Tibet in London stated that at mid-day
of Jan.23,
thousands of Tibetans went into the streets in Luhuo
of Ganzi prefecture, in Sichuan,
protesting against the detention of Tibetans,
due to the distribution the flyers by Free Tibet.
It was said, that protesters had marched on the local
council offices, where police had opened fire,
one protester was killed and over 30 were injured.
Voice of Tibet reports that the Tibetan who was shot dead
was called Yonten, his body was sent to Luhuo monastery,
many protesters were seriously injured;
some were left in a serious condition.
In addition, the International Campaign for Tibet reports that
3 Tibetans were killed, and 9 were injured.
The CCP's mouthpiece media Xinhua News Agency
has reported this as a violent incident
And claims that hundreds of Tibetans were looking for trouble,
and had attacked the police station,
one Tibetan was killed, five police were wounded.
Tibetan analyst Gongga Zaxi said: “Xinhua News Agency's
report indirectly admitted that there was gunfire during the incident.
But they claimed that the peaceful demonstration against
the CCP's policies in Tibet had been a violent incident.
Xinhua news always calls the protesters looters.
Later, it always says that opening fire on protesters
is for the maintenance of social order, this deception is the true face of the CCP.”
Gongga Zaxi pointed out that the CCP doesn't treat Tibetans
as humans, the Tibetan region has become a target.
Since 2009, 17 ethnic Tibetan immolation incidents
in protest against the CCP's dictatorship have taken place.
Gongga Zaxi said: “The CCP has always stated that no problem
exists in Tibet, Tibetans live a happy life in China.
If its propaganda is true, then why have such incidents
continued to take place in Tibet?”
Radio Free Asia reports that a respected monk, Gyaltso, died
unexpectedly on Jan.22, age 47, his body turned black after death.
His family members suspect his death is the result of the CCP's
brutal torture and force feeding of medicines.
On Chinese New Year's eve, people play with fireworks to celebrate,
but zone developers in Shenzhen used them for another purpose.
At 2am on Jan.23, the Bangzhao Company gathered hundreds of triads,
with two large cranes and four earth trucks, and demolished Buji indoor market.
The demolition crews carried knives and rods and pulled people
out of the market, and then they set off fire crackers to cover the noise of demolition.
Stall owners tried to stop them, but they were beaten, many were
chopped at with knives. Not until two hours later, did the police arrive.
A netizen said that, even when the police arrived, they didn't help,
but only stood by idly watching what was happening.
In front of the police, the triads still chased traders with knives.
After the building had been demolished, the triads lined up and left.
The police actually only came to protect the triads.
According to the media in China, Buji indoor market is the
largest market in Buji town of Longgang district, covering an area of 9000km2.
There are over one thousand stall owners. The dispute
between Bangzhao Company and the stall owners has existed for a long time,
and local authorities had promised the stall owners that
they would not allow demolition before their trading contract of 40 years had expired.
The demolition has caused serious losses for the traders,
as in the case of Luk Fook Jewellery shop.
Stall owners are angry and have vowed to seek justice.
NTD reporters Chen Han, Li Qian and Xiao Yu




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